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Week 14 - Monday.  What did we talk about last time?  Introduction to C++  Input and output  Functions  Overloadable  Default parameters  Pass.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 14 - Monday.  What did we talk about last time?  Introduction to C++  Input and output  Functions  Overloadable  Default parameters  Pass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 14 - Monday

2  What did we talk about last time?  Introduction to C++  Input and output  Functions  Overloadable  Default parameters  Pass by reference




6  Let's write a complete C++ program that reads in:  A string  An integer  Then, it prints out the string however many times the integer specified


8  When you want to dynamically allocate memory in C++, you use new (instead of malloc() )  No cast needed  It "feels" a lot like Java int* value = new int(); //make an int int* array = new int[100]; //array of ints Wombat* wombat = new Wombat(); //make a Wombat Wombat* zoo = new Wombat[100]; //makes 100 Wombats with the default constructor int* value = new int(); //make an int int* array = new int[100]; //array of ints Wombat* wombat = new Wombat(); //make a Wombat Wombat* zoo = new Wombat[100]; //makes 100 Wombats with the default constructor

9  When you want to free dynamically allocated memory in C++, use delete (instead of free() )  If an array was allocated, you have to use delete[] int* value = new int(); //make an int delete value; Wombat* wombat = new Wombat(); delete wombat; Wombat* zoo = new Wombat[100]; delete[] zoo; //array delete needed int* value = new int(); //make an int delete value; Wombat* wombat = new Wombat(); delete wombat; Wombat* zoo = new Wombat[100]; delete[] zoo; //array delete needed

10  You can compile C code with C++  Weird things can happen, but we aren't going to going into those subtle issues  However, you now know and love the standard C libraries  You can use them in C++ too  You just have to include different header files C Library Header C++ EquivalentPurpose ctype.hcctype Character manipulation limits.hclimits Constants for integer limits math.hcmath Math functions stdio.hcstdio C I/O functions stdlib.hcstdlib Random values, conversion, allocation string.hcstring Null-terminated string manipulation time.hctime Time functions

11  A struct in C++ is actually just a class where all the members are public  You can even put methods in a struct in C++  Otherwise, it looks pretty similar  You don't have to use the struct keyword when declaring struct variables  Except in cases when it is needed for disambiguation

12  Here's a TreeNode struct in C++  Write a tree insertion with the following signature struct TreeNode { int value; TreeNode* left; TreeNode* right; }; struct TreeNode { int value; TreeNode* left; TreeNode* right; }; void insert(TreeNode* &root, int data);


14  Let's see how objects work in C++ by looking at classically important elements of OOP  Encapsulation  Dynamic dispatch  Polymorphism  Inheritance  Self-reference

15  Information hiding  We want to bind operations and data tightly together  Consequently, we don't want you to touch our privates  Encapsulation in C++ is provided by the private and protected keywords  Unlike Java, you mark sections as public, private, or protected, not individual members and methods  Hardcore OOP people think that all data should be private and most methods should be public

16 class A { private: int a; public: int getA() { return a; } void setA(int value) { a = value; } }; class A { private: int a; public: int getA() { return a; } void setA(int value) { a = value; } };

17  Allows code reuse  Is thought of as an "is-a" relationship  C++ allows multiple inheritance, but you should only use it if you know what you're doing, usually as part of a design pattern  Deriving a subclass usually means creating a "refined" or "more specific" version of a superclass

18 class B : public A { //has member and methods from A }; class C : public A { private: //has A stuff and more int c; public: int getC(){ return c; } void increment() { c++; } }; class B : public A { //has member and methods from A }; class C : public A { private: //has A stuff and more int c; public: int getC(){ return c; } void increment() { c++; } };

19  A confusing word whose underlying concept many programmers misunderstand  Polymorphism is when code is designed for a superclass but can be used with a subclass  If AudiRS5 is a subtype of Car, then you can use an AudiRS5 where you could use a Car

20 void drive( Car* c ); //defined somewhere … class AudiRS5 : public Car {}; … Car car; AudiRS5 audi; drive( &audi ); //okay drive( &car ); //okay void drive( Car* c ); //defined somewhere … class AudiRS5 : public Car {}; … Car car; AudiRS5 audi; drive( &audi ); //okay drive( &car ); //okay

21  Polymorphism can be used to extend the functionality of an existing method using dynamic dispatch  In dynamic dispatch, the method that is actually called is not known until run time

22 class A { public: virtual void print() { cout << "A";} }; class B : public A { public: void print() { cout << "B";} }; class A { public: virtual void print() { cout << "A";} }; class B : public A { public: void print() { cout << "B";} };

23 A a; B b; A* p; a.print(); // A b.print(); // B p = &a; p->print(); // A p = &b; p->print(); // B A a; B b; A* p; a.print(); // A b.print(); // B p = &a; p->print(); // A p = &b; p->print(); // B

24  Objects are able to refer to themselves  This can be used to explicitly reference variables in the class  Or, it can be used to provide the object itself as an argument to other methods  Self-reference in C++ is provided in part through the this keyword  this is a pointer to the object you're inside of

25 class Stuff { private: int things; public: void setThings(int things) { this->things = things; } }; class Stuff { private: int things; public: void setThings(int things) { this->things = things; } };

26 class SelfAdder { public: void addToList(List& list) { list.add(this); } }; class SelfAdder { public: void addToList(List& list) { list.add(this); } };


28  C++ madness  Templates in C++

29  Keep working on Project 6

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