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Web-Based Database Programming with PHP. Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen2 In this lecture you will learn PHP Basics PHP functions –To.

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Presentation on theme: "Web-Based Database Programming with PHP. Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen2 In this lecture you will learn PHP Basics PHP functions –To."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web-Based Database Programming with PHP

2 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen2 In this lecture you will learn PHP Basics PHP functions –To check and filter user inputs (security) –To connect to database –To select database –To query database –To work with the results BLOB types in MySQL Displaying BLOBS Debugging tips

3 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen3 PHP General purpose scripting language –Can be used to achieve functionality similar to Java or C –Similar to C in syntax –Server side scripting language Code is run on the server and the resulting html page is shown in the browser This means, users cannot view the php source code Libraries used for accessing RDBMS –Several vendor specific libraries available

4 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen4 PHP Variables Starts with $ symbol followed by name Name contains letters, numbers and underscore –Cannot start with a number –No special characters other than underscore (_) –Case sensitive E.g. $query and $result Variables are not typed –Type of value assigned determines a variable’s type –Within a program, same variable can be assigned to values of different data types!!! $this is a special variable that cannot be assigned –Refers to the object of a class, similar to Java

5 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen5 PHP Arrays Two kind of arrays Numeric Arrays –Similar to Java arrays –Objects/values are accessed by a numerical index –E.g. $color = array(‘Red’,‘Blue’,’Green’); –$redcolor = $color[0]; Associative Arrays –Objects/values are stored as pairs of (key=>value) elements –Objects/values are accessed by specifying the key –Similar to Java Maps –E.g. $lecturer = array(‘CS2008’=>’Yaji’, ‘CS2007’=>’Ehud’); –$cs2008Lecturer = $lecturer[‘CS2008’];

6 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen6 Predefined Variables PHP provides several predefined variables to be used in scripts –Depends upon the server setup Variables from HTML forms are available in an associative array $_POST E.g. If $_POST = array(‘name’=>’John’, ‘age’=>44,’email’=>’’) Then $age = $_POST[‘age’]; and $email = $_POST[‘email’]; In the practical, you will learn using variables from HTML forms in your PHP scripts.

7 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen7 PHP Strings Several Types of strings We use two string types Single quoted –Use them for storing literal strings –E.g. ‘Yaji teaches CS2008’ Double quoted –Use them with embedded variables –E.g. “$cs2008Lecturer teaches CS2008” Where $cs2008Lecturer=‘Yaji’ Several string manipulation functions –Useful for checking and filtering user inputs

8 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen8 Check and filter data coming from the user User inputs may contain character(s) that might be harmful to the server or database –Sometimes they may contain entire scripts that may cause problems to the server or database –Never trust user inputs!!! PHP provides a number of functions to remove undesirable characters from user inputs.

9 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen9 While storing user input into MySQL Certain characters have special meaning for MySQL Example special characters –Single quote (’) –Double quote (“) –Backslash (\) –NULL You need to use the escape character,\ to mark them –E.g., \’ means ’ –\” means ”

10 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen10 addslashes() and stripslashes() addslashes(X) adds backslash characters to X –E.g addslashes(‘Yaji’s laptop’) will return ‘Yaji\’s laptop’ stripslashes(X) removes backslash characters from X PHP offers another way of adding and removing backslashes: switch on the –magic_quotes_gpc (for incoming data from browser) and –magic_quotes_runtime (for data going to database) directives in your php.ini file You can use trim() function to remove extra white spaces

11 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen11 escapeshellcmd(), strip_tags() and htmlspecialchars() escapeshellcmd(X) should be used before passing X to system() and exec() which run shell commands Before you ‘echo’ back user input to the browser use –strip_tags(X) – strips out HTML and PHP tags from X –htmlspecialchars(X) – converts special characters to HTML equivalents E.g., < is converted to &lt

12 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen12 To connect to MySQL Syntax resource mysql_connect ( [string server [, string username [, string password [, bool new_link [, int client_flags]]]]]) Server = name of the server or IP address By default mysql_connect returns an existing open link –Specify new_link if you want a new link Client_flags –MYSQL_CLIENT_COMPRESS Use compression protocol –MYSQL_CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE Allow space after function names –MYSQL_CLIENT_INTERACTIVE Allow interactive_timeout seconds (instead of wait_timeout) of inactivity before closing the connection.

13 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen13 include() or require() Your PHP script is never seen by your browser –Password used in mysql_connect cannot be seen by users You may still like to create dbsetup.php to define global variables –$username –$server –$password And include($path.‘dbsetup.php’) or require($path.‘dbsetup.php’) in your.php file Include and require are same –They differ only when they fail Include produces a warning Require results in a Fatal Error

14 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen14 mysql_error() & mysql_errno() After calling any mysql functions (mysql_xxx) You can call mysql_error($link) and mysql_errno($link) $link is the active connection to MySQL

15 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen15 Selecting a database After making the connection to MySQL server You need to select the database you want to work with using –mysql_select_db() Syntax bool mysql_select_db ( string database_name [, resource link_identifier]) Link_identifier is the active connection to MySQL

16 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen16 Querying Define the query string such as $Query = ‘select * from staff’; Then use mysql_query() to run the query Syntax resource mysql_query ( string query [, resource link_identifier]) E.g $result = mysql_query($Query,$link);

17 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen17 Functions for Results Object PHP offers many functions for working with the results object –array mysql_fetch_row ( resource result) – fetches a row as an array –object mysql_fetch_field ( resource result [, int field_offset]) – fetches a field as an object –array mysql_fetch_assoc ( resource result) – fetches a row as an associative array You can access fields in the row with the field names E.g. $row[‘lname’] –int mysql_num_fields ( resource result) –int mysql_num_rows ( resource result)

18 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen18 Closing the connection When the script ends executing connection is closed or Use –mysql_free_result($result); –Mysql_close($link);

19 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen19 Storing Multimedia - BLOBS How should large text files, images or sound files be stored in DBMSs ? Solution 1: Store a reference to an external file: Solution 2: Store as a BLOB: PictureNoc:nimagesnpicture.jpg PictureNoBLOB

20 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen20 Storing BLOBS in MySQL There are four BLOB data types in MySQL each with different maximum capacity –TINYBLOB –BLOB –MEDIUMBLOB –LONGBLOB BLOB columns are treated as binary strings For example CREATE img (id int(5) PRIMARY KEY, pic BLOB);

21 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen21 Displaying BLOB Images Usually, images are streamed to the client from a file on the server: If the image is stored in a database, we need the help of a script to stream the blob to the client from the database: // $id = select_the_property_somehow(); printf(“ ”,$id); You will use getImg.php in Practical 8... You are NOT required to learn stream programming!!

22 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen22 Debugging Tips Because PHP is not strongly-typed, and is interpreted at run-time on the server, debugging a faulty script can be very tricky!!! Use echo() often to print to the client!! Check code for ";" at end of every statement!! Check code for matching pairs of quotes!! Avoid variable names like "system" !! Ask yourself: is it a DB problem or a script problem?? Check your SQL statement with MS-Access or MySQL client!! Divide-and-conquer: comment-out doubtful code!!

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