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Casting Out Fear.

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Presentation on theme: "Casting Out Fear."— Presentation transcript:

1 Casting Out Fear

2 Defining Fear An unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm. Feeling of anxiety concerning the outcome. The likelihood of something unwelcome happening.

3 The Nature of Fear -A natural emotion : ‘fight’ or ‘flight’. -From the root word ‘Wergen’ meaning “to grab by the throat”. -Can be either temporary or permanent . -It does not have to be based upon an actual incident- False Expectations Appearing Real. Natural emotion – All emotions are given by God:emotions are instinctive feelings, rather than a reasoned response Emotions nature or nurture- Some are natural and healthy: there when we were born. A baby can sense there is a healthy reason to fear – a loud noise, pain, etc. A bear in the room would create some healthy fear – fight or flight. Some are nurtured – can be healthy – put your hand in a fire, you get burned- natural to fear doing that again! Someone else put your hand in the fire – something that should never happen – shock, trauma, phobias, etc, and other effects continue into adult life Fear /emotion- ‘grab by the throat’. Can’t control what we feel, comes by stealth, produces a reaction that can become all-consuming, controlling other areas of our lives Temporary or Permanent : Bear in the room- temporary fear – once simon captured it ,wrestled it to the ground, locked it up, danger has passed and we feel safe again. Permanent: The fear is always with us. Brother bitten by a dog. Fear of Dogs – do large detours, avoid going to people’s houses, etc. Real incident- Carry fears that we cannot rationalise , not based on anything that has actually happened to us, but are very real to us: Fear of losing our job ( with no reason to believe that is imminent). Phobias: Fear of flying, spiders etc Fears that have their root in something else: fear of abandonment as an adult ( parental separation, childhood neglect etc).

4 The Nature of Fear Fear confines us. Fear is the opposite of peace (freedom from anxiety or distress). Fear does not originate with God. Fear confines us- (watch clip) Fear = prison / peace is what God wants for us. Freedom from fear (anxiety & distress)- the door is open and today you get to go free

5 Fear Does Not Originate in God
“God has not given us a spirit again to fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind”. 2 Timothy 1:7 Read 2 timothy 1:7- Fear = one who flees from battle- running , hiding. God has a different ending Powerful , loving emotionally healthy life, with no glass ceiling.

6 Entry Points For Fear Generational Fear Shock and Trauma Childhood Distress Abuse Occult Involvement Generational Fear : I cant stop myself, I seem anxious about being anxious! Was mum a worrier? Did dad seem pre-occupied in an over bearing concerned way? Shock and Trauma: Ill: commemorate 70 years since D-day /end of WW2. Interviews with those there on the beaches, recall stories of horrors of war, as if it were yesterday- tears. Real , deeply distressing- forces (e.g. PTSD, accident ) Shock: Sudden bad news- shock- loss of job, diagnosis of illness, loss of a loved one. Childhood: feeling uncared for, abandonment. Ill: Prayer gathering, sense of forboding (fearing the future)- when did this show up? – in car with dad 14- we will wait- so we waited for the worst to happen . – Jesus where were you? Light- sense of foreboding lifted. ‘Do not be afraid, I am with You’ (Isaiah 43) – When we know this, fear vanishes. Abuse of any kind creates fear – drunken father, no self control through the door- Verbal abuse – you’re no good- inner vow- I will not let anyone close to me again- walls go up, distance between me and anyone who wants to reach me. Occult involvement (Later session) forms a landing strip on which fear can grow. Enemy is an opportunist and a liar, and will try to gain a foothold anyway he can.

7 Closing The Door To Fear
“There is no fear in Love- Perfect love drives out all fear”. 1 John 4:16 Its time to drive out fear –like getting the flies out the kitchen- Ministering to Fear: Father God , will you show me any area in my life where I am operating in fear .... God will you show me when this feeling first showed up?... Jesus where were you when this was happening? ... Is there anyone I need to forgive? ‘What lie did I believe?’ Father will you show me, what’s the truth about me?

8 Closing The Door To Fear
Father God, I thank you today for your Perfect Love! Your love will remove every fear from my life. Lord I repent of every place I have given to Fear I repent of every place my past generations gave place to fear.

9 Closing The Door To Fear
Father I repent for not trusting you and I surrender my life to you afresh. I thank you for your Great Love that will never let me go.

10 Closing The Door To Fear
I renounce every vow, curse or contract with fear, and I choose not to partner with fear any more. Spirit of fear In Jesus name I break your power and control in my life. I reaffirm my faith in You, Father God. Thank you for being my protector and provider in Jesus’ name. AMEN

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