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Bellwork  What is the conservation of energy?  Lab due tomorrow (Fri. 1/17/14)  Energy can not be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed from.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork  What is the conservation of energy?  Lab due tomorrow (Fri. 1/17/14)  Energy can not be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork  What is the conservation of energy?  Lab due tomorrow (Fri. 1/17/14)  Energy can not be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed from one form to another, the total amount never changes.

2 Conservation of Energy and the Egg Drop Project 1/16/14

3 Mechanical Energy  If there are no non-mechanical energies involved in a system, then mechanical energy can transform from one energy to another. PE int + KE int = PE final + KE final

4 PE = 10000 J KE = 0 J PE = 7500 J KE = 2500 J PE = 5000 J KE = 5000 J PE = 2500 J KE = 7500 J PE = 0 J KE = 10000 J PE = 10000 J KE = 0 J PE = 7500 J KE = ? PE = 5000 J KE = ? PE = 2500 J KE = ? PE = 0 J KE = ?

5 Mechanical and Non Mechanical Energies  If there are non-mechanical energies involved in a system, energy is still conserved. PE int + KE int = PE final + KE final + TE (on formula card) Used in the lab!

6 Conservation of Energy  For objects falling or going down a hill  Gravitational potential energy is being transferred into kinetic energy and thermal energy (if friction and air resistance is accounted for) PE int + KE int = PE final + KE final + TE

7 Energy Relationships

8 Equation  Work and Kinetic Energy

9 Egg Drop Project  Work  Potential Energy (top)  Kinetic Energy (bottom) no TE  Velocity (bottom)  Momenta (bottom)  Force (bottom)  Power to stop the egg  Time (max) to stop the egg

10 Egg Drop Project CCatchers due next Tues. 1/21/14! BBring in, store bought, raw eggs if you want multiple tries. YYou can not modify the egg (face okay)

11 Calendar Ahead  Fri. 1/17 – Lab Due  Tues. 1/21 – Egg Catchers Due  Thur. 1/23 – H.W. Assignment Due  Mon. 1/27 – Egg Project Analysis Due  Wed. 1/29 – Test Review Due  Thur. 1/30 – Energy Test Part 1  Fri. 1/31 – Energy Test Part 2

12 Today  Finish the lab  Work on the homework assignment  Work on project analysis

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