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MONDAY. BIO I 1,2,5,7 Bell work 11-18-13 Bell work: Study quietly for test while it is being distributed. Objective: I will demonstrate understanding.

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Presentation on theme: "MONDAY. BIO I 1,2,5,7 Bell work 11-18-13 Bell work: Study quietly for test while it is being distributed. Objective: I will demonstrate understanding."— Presentation transcript:


2 BIO I 1,2,5,7 Bell work 11-18-13 Bell work: Study quietly for test while it is being distributed. Objective: I will demonstrate understanding of Chapter 7 through test.

3 Monday, 11-18-13 1.Bell work…8 min 2.Test …40 min. 3.Ticket out…5 min. HOMEWORK: None Objective: I will demonstrate understanding of Chapter 7 through test.

4 Ticket out 11-18-13 Ticket out: Begin reading 8.1 when done with test. HOMEWORK: None


6 BIO I 1,2,5,7 Bell work 11-19-13 Bell work: Read page 228 and summarize in your own words how heterotrophs and autotrophs depend upon photosynthesis. Objective: I will review test and then preview photosynthesis through mini-lab.

7 Tuesday, 11-19-13 1.Bell work…5 min 2.Test Review…10 min. 3.Mini Lab 234…25 min. 4.Ticket out…8 min. HOMEWORK: Read 8.1 for tomorrow. Objective: I will review test and then preview photosynthesis through mini- lab.

8 Ticket out 11-19-13 Ticket out: Draw and label the ATP molecule on page 226. HOMEWORK: Read 8.1 for tomorrow.


10 BIO I 1,2,5,7 Bell work 11-20-13 Bell work: Draw and label the chloroplast as seen on page 231. The ORGANELLE in a plant where photosynthesis occurs. Objective: I will understand where photosynthesis occurs in plants through online activity.

11 Wednesday, 11-20-13 1.Bell work…5 min 2.Notes 8,1…10 min. 3.Online Activity…30 min. 4.Ticket out…8 min. HOMEWORK: Read 8.2 for tomorrow. Objective: I will understand where photosynthesis occurs in plants through online activity.

12 Notes 8.1 Photosynthesis is all about converting ENERGY 1.Energy – The ability to do work and comes in different forms a.Light, heat, electricity, ATP b.ATP = energy cells can use! I.Adenine+Ribose = Adenosine, and 3 phosphates (TRI) = ATP II.Energy is stored OR released in the phosphate BONDS III.3 phosphates = high energy…when one pops off energy is released IV.2 phosphates = low energy (ADP…D=Di or two) phosphates V.We EAT to replace the third phosphate VI.It CYCLES…ATP  ADP  ATP  ADP etc.

13 There is a symbiotic relations between heterotrophs and autotrophs 1.Remember autotrophs = auto or self…PLANTS they photosynthesize! (Converting light energy into chemical energy or carbs) 2.Remember heterotrophs = hetero or OTHER…US, we have to eat plants to get the ENERGY in them. 3.We then use cellular respiration to convert their chemical energy into ATP that our cells can use.

14 Ticket out 11-20-13 Ticket out: Read and explain the visual analogy on page 227 in your own words. Then explain how this idea applies to the online activity today. HOMEWORK: Read 8.2 for tomorrow.


16 BIO I 1,2,5,7 Bell work 11-21-13 Bell work: Read page 229 and summarize the history timeline on photosynthesis in your bell work. Objective: Understand an overview of the history of photosynthesis discovery before we delve into the process.

17 Thursday, 11-21-13 1.Bell work…8 min 2.Notes 8.2/Review Online yesterday… 20 min. 3.Writing exercise page 229…20 min. 4.Ticket out …5 min. HOMEWORK: None. Objective: Understand an overview of the history of photosynthesis discovery before we delve into the process..

18 Notes 8.2 1.Plants have PIGMENTS that capture light energy (one pigment is chlorophyll) a. Chloroplasts = the organelle that have chlorophyll in them b.Thylakoid = a membrane in the chloroplast that has chlorophyll in them…WHERE light energy is captured c.Stroma = like cytoplasm where SUGAR or carbs are created. d.NADP+ = an electron carrier…they transfer high energy electrons from the thylakoid membrane when light energy excites them!

19 1.Photosynthesis a.Uses light to convert water and carbon dioxide into high energy sugar (carbohydrates) and oxygen b.6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + 6O2 c.Carbon dioxide + water  sugars + oxygen

20 Ticket out 11-21-13 Ticket out: Sharing. HOMEWORK: None

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