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Pick one character from The Crucible. Describe this character’s major personality trait.9/22 Respond to this prompt in one mel-con paragraph Pick ONE personality.

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Presentation on theme: "Pick one character from The Crucible. Describe this character’s major personality trait.9/22 Respond to this prompt in one mel-con paragraph Pick ONE personality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pick one character from The Crucible. Describe this character’s major personality trait.9/22 Respond to this prompt in one mel-con paragraph Pick ONE personality trait (greedy, self-righteous, judgmental…) You should use your book for help 10 minutes. Work silently. Participation points.

2 Abigail is one of the most prominent characters in The Crucible; her manipulative ways convince the townspeople to turn against their friends and family. Abigail’s true colors are seen in the beginning of Act I when she threatens her “friends;” she uses force to prevent them from coming forward with the truth. Abigail warns them that if they say anything, then she “will come to [them] in the black of some terrible night” and “bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder [them].” Not only is she using force, but she is so intelligent that she knows exactly how to manipulate the girls into doing what she wants. Abigail applies her various manipulative methods to the rest of the town, and, by the end of Act I, they are all eating out of the palm of her hand.

3 Maintaining Logical Verb Tense 9/22

4 Use present/present perfect tense to indicate current/regular action. Jeffrey goes to the gym six days a week where he has gained not only muscle but also discipline. Present tense: verb + s = singular; verb + Ø = plural. (example: Rebecca watches the movie.) Present perfect tense: has or have + past participle (example: I have seen that movie twenty times.)

5 Jeffrey had lifted free weights for over an hour before someone mentioned the rip in his shorts. Use past perfect to indicate a past action that occurred before another past action. Past tense: regular = verb + ed; irregular forms vary. (example: Rebecca watched the movie.) Past perfect tense: had + past participle (example: Rebecca had seen the movie many times.)

6 Jeffrey was showing off when he tore a muscle in his shoulder. Use progressive tenses to indicate an ongoing action that occurs as another action happens. Progressive tenses: form of be + verb + ing

7 When logic permits, you can mix past/present tenses with future. Because he went to the gym today, Jeffrey will reward himself with a triple bacon cheeseburger for lunch. After he weighs himself tomorrow, he will regret the poor food choice.

8 Could/would = past tense of can/will. Jeffrey thought he will have enough energy for his workout, but skipping breakfast meant that he cannot complete his training. Jeffrey thought he will have enough energy for his workout, but skipping breakfast meant that he cannot complete his training. Jeffrey thought he would have enough energy for his workout, but skipping breakfast meant that he could not complete his training.

9  Aunt Lillian had frozen four quarts of her homegrown strawberries, but she lost them after the hurricane knocked out the power for eight days.  Because Sammy had been eating all of the chocolate mint ice cream before she got home, Roxanne whacked him over the head.

10  Carlos pawed at his hair and shook his head, but he could not dislodge the giant spider tangled in his curls.  Grandpa planted a backyard garden, hoping that it was helping with the high cost of food.  When Gretchen had been a freshman, she would want to major in biology, but after her first rat dissection, she couldn’t change her mind fast enough.

11 77 Ancient Egyptians spent their entire lives preparing for their death and burial. Today, however, people are thinking that such arrangements are morbid and impolite to discuss. A.were spending B.think C.would be D.No change is necessary. Ancient Egyptians spent their entire lives preparing A for their death and burial. Today, however, people are thinking that such arrangements are morbid B C B C and impolite to discuss. A.were spending B.think C.would be D.No change is necessary. Ancient Egyptians were spending their entire lives preparing for their death and burial. Today, however, people are thinking that such arrangements are morbid and impolite to discuss.

12 88 When Felicia saw the turtle trying to cross the busy road, she leaped out of her car and had carried the reptile to safety at the other side. A.was carrying B.carried C.will carry D.No change is necessary. When Felicia saw the turtle trying to cross the busy road, she leaped out of her car and had carried the reptile to safety at the other side. A.was carrying B.carried C.will carry D.No change is necessary. When Felicia saw the turtle trying to cross the busy road, she leaped out of her car and had carried the reptile to safety at the other side.

13 99 George Washington believed that he was invincible in battle. He rode a conspicuous white horse that made him an easy target, yet no bullet had hit him, validating his conviction of invulnerability. A.had believed B.was riding C.hit D.No change is necessary. George Washington believed that he was invincible A in battle. He rode a conspicuous white horse that B made him an easy target, yet no bullet had hit him, C validating his conviction of invulnerability. A.had believed B.was riding C.hit D.No change is necessary. George Washington had believed that he was invincible in battle. He was riding a conspicuous white horse that made him an easy target, yet no bullet hit him, validating his conviction of invulnerability.

14 1010 We would have bite marks on our ankles and scratches on our thighs ever since adopting Nelson, our feisty kitten. A.had B.have C.will have D.No change is necessary. We would have bite marks on our ankles and scratches on our thighs ever since adopting Nelson, our feisty kitten. A.had B.have C.will have D.No change is necessary. We would have bite marks on our ankles and scratches on our thighs ever since adopting Nelson, our feisty kitten.

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