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Youth Capture the Colorful Cosmos THIS IS With Host... Your.

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2 Youth Capture the Colorful Cosmos


4 With Host... Your

5 100 300 200 300 500 400 500 400 300 200 TelescopesSolar SystemUniverseLight Image Processing Youth Capture the Colorful Cosmos

6 An instrument that makes a far away object look nearer by collecting and focusing light. Allows us to see more details that we can see with our eyes only. What is a TELESCOPE?

7 A type of telescope that uses lenses to collect and focus light. What is a REFRACTOR or a REFRACTING TELESCOPE?

8 A type of telescope that uses mirrors to collect and focus light What is a REFLECTOR or a REFLECTING TELESCOPE?

9 What is a MIRROR? The part of a reflecting telescope that reflects and focuses light

10 The part of a telescope that opens and closes to let light shine through What is the SHUTTER?

11 Made of our one star the Sun, and all the planets and their moons which orbit the Sun. What is our SOLAR SYSTEM?

12 A chunk of material (usually rock) that travels in a circle around a planet. What is a MOON?

13 A chunk of material (can be rock or gas) that travels in a circle around a star. What is a PLANET?

14 A massive ball of gas that shines brightly because of the huge amount of energy that is produced inside it. What is a STAR?

15 A force that pulls all things together What is GRAVITY?

16 What is a SUPERNOVA? A huge explosion that releases gas and dust. One of the ways a massive star can end its life.

17 What is a NEBULA? A giant cloud of gas and dust

18 What is a GALAXY? A collection of many billions of stars, gas and dust (including nebulae), all held together by the force of gravity.

19 What is the MILKY WAY? Earth and our solar system are part of this galaxy. All the stars visible in the night sky are part of our ‘home’ galaxy.

20 What is the UNIVERSE? Made of billions of galaxies. All the galaxies you could see are part of it.

21 What is APERTURE? The opening in a telescope through which light enters.

22 What is BRIGHTNESS? The amount of light that was collected by the telescope from part of an object. Measured as “pixel value” from an image using MicroObservatory Image software.

23 What is CONTRAST? The range of brightness (pixel value) that we choose to display in an image. We don’t HAVE to display the WHOLE range of brightness in an image.

24 What is a DETECTOR? The part of a telescope that collects the focused light and records it as an electronic image

25 What is EXPOSURE TIME? The amount of time that the shutter stays open

26 What is a PIXEL? Short for “picture element.” The smallest square portion of an electronic image where light was collected by each part of the detector

27 What is FALSE COLOR TABLE? A tool that uses colors to represent the brightness of pixels in an image

28 What is NOISE? Extra brightness in an image that did not come from light from an object, usually from the detector electronics.

29 What is SHARPEN? A tool that makes clearer the edges between nearby regions of high and low brightness

30 What is CROP? A tool that takes away the parts of an image around a chosen area


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