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Chapter 26 Juliya Kruglaka. Measurement in space: light years & astronomical units (AU) Astronomical Unit- the average distance between the Earth and.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 26 Juliya Kruglaka. Measurement in space: light years & astronomical units (AU) Astronomical Unit- the average distance between the Earth and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 26 Juliya Kruglaka

2 Measurement in space: light years & astronomical units (AU) Astronomical Unit- the average distance between the Earth and sun; approximately 150 million kilometers (symbol, AU) Speed of light- used to measure the distance light travels which is 300,000 km/s.

3 Refractor & reflector telescopes

4 Refractor Telescopes Refractor Telescope- uses a set of lenses to gather and focus light from distant objects. Problems with refractor telescope- focuses different colors of light at different distances. Also its difficult to make large lenses the required strength and clarity.

5 Reflecting Telescopes Reflecting Telescopes- uses a curved mirror to gather and focus light from distant objects. Mirrors in the telescopes can be made very large w/o affecting the quality of an image.

6 E-M Radiation & Visible Light Spectrum

7 Electromagnetic Radiation

8 Visible Light Spectrum

9 Earth’s Rotation-effects & evidence

10 Pendulum Rotation- the spin of a body on its axis. Evidence to prove that the Earth rotates is by using a pendulum. A string is attached to the ceiling with a bob at the end and is swinging back and forth all day. The path appeared to change over time. The floor was moving b/c it is attached to Earth, but the pendulum stayed constant.

11 The Coriolis Effect Evidence that the Earth rotates can be seen in the movement of ocean surface currents and winds. They do not move in a straight path. Earth’s rotation causes the ocean currents and wind belts deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.

12 If you look up at the sky in the evening you may notice that the position of stars have changed in the past couple of hours. However, it’s not the constellations that have moved, it’s the Earth rotating on its axis.

13 Earth’s Revolution-effects & evidence

14 Revolution- the motion of a body the travels around another body in space; one complete trip around an orbit. Constellations can change because of Earth’s revolution. Over a period of several weeks, at the same time, a constellation position will appear to change. Also over time the night side of Earth will be on the other side of the universe so we will see different constellations.

15 Scientific Names of Season & causes of seasonal change

16 Equinoxes The seasons fall and spring begin in days called equinox. Equinox- the moment when the sun appears to cross the celestial equator. Autumnal equinox- occurs on September 22 or 23 of each year and marks the beginning of fall in the Northern Hemisphere. Vernal equinox- occurs on March 21 or 22 of each year and marks the beginning of spring in the NH.


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