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ASHA Sahyogini. Objectives of ASHA Sahyogini Intervention Improve awareness of health issues and health education Improve utilization of existing health.

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Presentation on theme: "ASHA Sahyogini. Objectives of ASHA Sahyogini Intervention Improve awareness of health issues and health education Improve utilization of existing health."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASHA Sahyogini

2 Objectives of ASHA Sahyogini Intervention Improve awareness of health issues and health education Improve utilization of existing health care services Provide measures for immediate relief to health problems Mobilize community, especially women and weaker sections on health care issues

3 Operational Objectives Select an ASHA Sahyogini on every 1000 population – Woman, in the Age of 21-45, Resident of same village,8 th pass, selected by the community and approved by the Panchayats Training for 23 days in 4 rounds Provide support to her in her work and closely coordinate with ANM and AWW for maximum effectiveness - Mainstreaming in the structures of Health Institutions Provision of drugs and dressing for basic healthcare services Strengthen her as a Community Health Volunteer

4 Why the need felt for Village level volunteers 10500 Subcenter - 41000 Villages, with Countless Dhanis and Hamlets If Infant Mortality has to fall then every newborn, every diarrhoea, every ARI, every case of fever must be seen stat If Maternal Mortality has to fall then every mother must be provided services of ANC, Safe institutional Delivery, PNC Each medical emergencies must be identified and referred Health Education requires someone from the community who knows local idioms and customs.

5 How is increased utilization of services will be effected By providing information on health care Issues By creating awareness on available health care services and different schemes By facilitating the delivery of healthcare services- Coordination with the health care institution and service providers Parallel Improvement In Health Care Delivery.

6 ASHA Sahyogini : A State’s Initiative Convergence of NRHM and DWCD 21,000 Sahyoginis already functional in the State with DWCD Roles, area, selection process envisaged under NRHM for ASHA and under DWCD for Sahyogini was similar Decision at State level – Instead of 2 workers there should be only one worker- “ASHA Sahyogini”

7 Selections She is Coterminous with AWC Selections facilitated By DWCD Total 46000 ASHA Sahyoginis- 42000 Rural and 4000 Urban Total Selections – 41000 Total functional ASHA Sahyoginis – 39000 after successful completion of first round of training

8 Roles Mothers Health- Care of mother during pregnancy, delivery, and post partum Child Health – Exclusive Breast feeding, immunization, growth monitoring, complementary Feeding, Counseling – Health issues, Small family, contraception, Referrals- Institutional delivery, Treatment of infants and children, Sterilization, any medical and surgical emergencies

9 Roles of ASHA Sahyogini Depot Holder- Contraceptives, DOTS, Choriquine, DDK, ORS Basic Medical Care – First aid and referral Facilitation in Development of VHP- Member of the VHC

10 Training Total training – 23 days in 4 rounds- 10 Days +4 Days +5 Days and 4 days First round through DWCD Second round onwards- NRHM with support of NGOs selected at District Level

11 ASHA Sahyogini Compensation Under NRHM ASHA Sahyogini is a Voluntary worker- No fixed honorarium but performance based incentives Fixed honorarium from DWCD i.e. Rs. 500/- Performance based incentive worked out from different Schemes on the population of 1000 Compensation package :Rs. 1067/- (If she works as per expectation)

12 ASHA Resource Center Established at State Institute of Health and Family Welfare – Under SHSRC Technical backstopping for strengthening the program –Trainings, –IEC Material development, –Data Management and –Analysis, –Supportive Supervision, –Monitoring, –Concurrent Evaluation etc.

13 ASHA Mentoring Group Constituted to  Oversee implementation  Facilitate in Development of Policy guidelines  Provide Technical inputs & Support Mechanism  Act as think tank  Facilitate intersectoral coordination

14 Performance Referrals started for Institutional Deliveries, Sterilizations. Provision of counseling services, awareness generation, distribution of contraceptives 2007-2008 – more than 2 lakhs deliveries referred by ASHA Sahyoginis.

15 Linkages of ASHA Sahyogini ANM MO Of SC,PHC Gramsabha GP CBOs, NGO

16 Factors Critical to the Success of ASHA Sahyogini Strengthening convergence with NRHM and DWCD at all Levels Selection of suitable person as ASHA Sahyogini. Quality Trainings Linkage with nearest functional health facility for referral services. Identified transport for referral of cases from village to facility

17 Factors Critical to the Success of ASHA Sahyogini Priority and recognition of cases referred by ASHA Sahyogini to MO / ANM. Successful organization of monthly Health and Nutrition Day (in every village with the ANM / AWW). Monthly meeting of ASHA- Sahyogini at PHC. Timely payment of incentives and replenishment of Medicines in the kit.

18 Thank You

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