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University of Colorado at Boulder Graduate School Advisory Council April 28, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Colorado at Boulder Graduate School Advisory Council April 28, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Colorado at Boulder Graduate School Advisory Council April 28, 2006

2 Overview Campus report, highlights and good news Initiatives in graduate education & research Partnering with federal laboratories in research & education Capital construction progress & plans Challenges Contracts & grants Where GSAC members can help Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006

3 Campus report, highlights and good news John Hall, 2005 Nobel Prize in Physics Leslie Leinwand, Howard Hughes Medical Institute professorship 2006 TIAA-CREF Hesburgh Award for faculty development to enhance undergraduate teaching & learning (Graduate Teacher Program-Laura Border et al.) Student space dust instrument (NASA New Horizons Mission) to Pluto (launched January 2006) Solar Decathlon House, 2 nd consecutive national DOE competition

4 Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006 CU-Boulder’s place in national & international rankings (a) The Economist lists campus among top universities in the world for 3 rd consecutive year. (b) CU-Boulder remains among top 10 public universities in terms of research funding awards. (c) Programs in Physics, Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Environmental Law, Business Entrepreneurship, etc. ranked high by US News & World Report

5 Changes in campus administration (a) CU President Hank Brown (pending BOR approval) (b) Chancellor, CU-Boulder (search nearly completed) (c) Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor (search underway) (d) Vice Chancellor for Research & Dean of the Graduate School (search to begin 2006) (e) Associate Vice Chancellor for Research (Russ Moore) (f ) CU Foundation President (Wayne Hutchens) (g) Center for the Humanities & the Arts Director (Michael Zimmerman) Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006

6 Initiatives in graduate education (a) New Graduate Student Tuition Policy (for graduate students on appointment) (b) Goal to increase graduate student enrollment (c) Goal to increase international graduate student enrollment Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006

7 Initiatives in research (a) Colorado Initiative in Molecular Biotechnology (CIMB; leaders, Leslie Leinwand, Kristi Anseth & Natalie Ahn) (b) Renewable & Sustainable Energy Initiative (leader, Carl Koval) (c) Nanotechnology (leader, Roop Mahajan) (d) Computational Science & Engineering Initiative (leader, Stein Sture) (e) Deep Underground Science & Engineering Laboratory (NSF DUSEL, Henderson Mine, Colorado, in collaboration with CSU, CSM & SUNY Stony Brook) Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006

8 Partnering with Federal Laboratories in Research & Education (a) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (b) National Institute for Standards & Technology (NIST) (c) U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) (d) National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) (e) National Aeronautics & Space Agency (NASA), Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), & Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) (f ) National Solar Observatory (NSF NSO) – national competition (g) DOT: University of Transportation Center – national competition Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006

9 Capital Construction Progress & Plans (a) New LASP building addition, dedicated March, 2006 (b) ATLAS building (move begins July; Open House October 21, 2006) (c) New Wolf Law building dedication September 8, 2006 (d) Leeds School of Business building addition – completion slated for October, 2007 (e) Planning of new Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS) building (f ) Planning of new Environmental building

10 Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006 Challenges (a) State Legislature & CCHE (b) State support to CU-Boulder (c) FY0-03: $85 M, FY 04; $58 M, FY05; $56M, FY06; $56M, FY07 (?) (d) University funding: Tuition increase limited to 2.5% - 5% (e) Increase number of faculty lines (f ) Faculty retention (e.g., Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman to UBC, Vancouver) (g) Research compliance, Federal restrictions, ITAR, etc. (h) Conflict of Interest & Conflict of Commitment (i ) Office of Research Integrity; Human Research Protection, Biosafety Review, Animal Resources, Export Control, & Research Misconduct (Ward Churchill) (j ) Blue Ribbon Commission on Diversity

11 Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006 Office of Contracts and Grants: trends & forecasts

12 Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006 Office of Contracts and Grants: trends & forecasts (will be handed out) Office of Contracts and Grants: trends & forecasts

13 Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006 Office of Contracts and Grants: trends & forecasts

14 Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006 Office of Contracts and Grants: trends & forecasts

15 Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006 Office of Contracts and Grants: trends & forecasts

16 Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006 Office of Contracts and Grants: trends & forecasts

17 Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006 Office of Contracts and Grants: trends & forecasts

18 Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006 Office of Contracts and Grants: trends & forecasts

19 Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006 Office of Contracts and Grants: trends & forecasts

20 Dean’s GSAC Briefing April 28, 2006 Where GSAC members can help (a) Promote CU-Boulder through public engagement, Op- Ed pieces in local news media, interviews, articles, etc. (b) Host alumni gatherings for purposes of public engagement & help expand graduate student fellowship funding (c)Assist with legislative contacts (d) Your ideas?

21 Dean’s GSAC Briefing Summary Summary UCB is a world renowned institution with a significant role in Colorado’s future success Long known for efficiency, but precariously maintaining competitiveness With vibrant new leadership, & engagement from such groups as GSAC, CU-Boulder can sustain & expand excellence in both research & graduate education.

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