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Conservation of Habitats Starter task: List as many endangered species as you can…

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1 Conservation of Habitats Starter task: List as many endangered species as you can…

2 Objectives Outline how conservation can be carried out to protect species and habitats. Outcomes (3) Describe what conservation is. (5) Explain how to conserve habitats using the concept of succession. (7) Evaluate how best to conserve species comparing different habitats. Key terms: Conservation, succession, biodiversity.

3 What is Biodiversity and why do we care about it? How do we know how diverse an environment is? (think back to the field trip!) Outcomes (3) Describe what conservation is. (5) Explain how to conserve habitats using the concept of succession. (7) Evaluate how best to conserve species comparing different habitats. Key terms: Conservation, succession, biodiversity.

4 D= diversity index N= total number of organisms N= individuals of a species Outcomes (3) Describe what conservation is. (5) Explain how to conserve habitats using the concept of succession. (7) Evaluate how best to conserve species comparing different habitats. Key terms: Conservation, succession, biodiversity.

5 Which of these are endangered?

6 Conservation Maintain ecosystems and biodiversity. Ethical – respect cohabitation. Economic – lose gene pool = valuable. Cultural and aesthetic – inspiration and enrichment!

7 Question How can we conserve species using succession? Outcomes (3) Describe what conservation is. (5) Explain how to conserve habitats using the concept of succession. (7) Evaluate how best to conserve species comparing different habitats. Key terms: Conservation, succession, biodiversity.

8 Managing succession Out competition in earlier stages than climax community. Prevent from going to next stage. UK – moorland burn heather and sheep graze

9 Task It has been decided that the Manila needs a zoological park. It is up to you to: a suitable site from a shortlist three priority species for conservation. You should give reasons for your selections. Outcomes (3) Describe what conservation is. (5) Explain how to conserve habitats using the concept of succession. (7) Evaluate how best to conserve species comparing different habitats. Key terms: Conservation, succession, biodiversity.

10 1. a) Give 2 aims of biological conservation. b) The graph shows the rate of extinction of species of birds on islands of different sizes. i) Describe the relationship between the rate of extinction of species and the areas of the islands. ii) Suggest one cause of this relationship.

11 1.(a)to maintain diversity; to maintain organisms’ habitats/ecosystem;2 (b)(i)exponential relationship/described; smaller the area, greater the rate of extinction; 2 (ii)one reason, explained, e.g. : smaller areas are/have (many) fewer species/number of individuals and thus smaller/less stable communities; greater chance of competition; human impacts more damaging; diseases spread more easily; greater impact of new diseases/predators; smaller number of sites meeting niche of species;1 max

12 Essential Questions Does biodiversity matter? Do we have a moral obligation to protect species? Do all organisms matter?

13 Objectives Evaluate the success of a named protected area. Discuss and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the species based approach to conservation. Outcomes (3) Explore the success of different conservation methods. (5) Describe the benefits and drawbacks of different conservation methods (7) Evaluate a range of conservation methods; carefully considering issues such as funding, value and community support. Key terms: aesthetic, ecological, breeding program, zoo

14 Task Choose one protected area. Background information. Why was it set up? What have been the successes? What are the current issues? Outcomes (3) Explore the success of different conservation methods. (5) Describe the benefits and drawbacks of different conservation methods (7) Evaluate a range of conservation methods; carefully considering issues such as funding, value and community support. Key terms: aesthetic, ecological, breeding program, zoo

15 All protected areas need key three things: Community support Funding Research Why? Outcomes (3) Explore the success of different conservation methods. (5) Describe the benefits and drawbacks of different conservation methods (7) Evaluate a range of conservation methods; carefully considering issues such as funding, value and community support. Key terms: aesthetic, ecological, breeding program, zoo

16 Tasks 1.For each named method come up with a list of benefits and drawbacks. 2.Choose one method to fully evaluate. Captive breeding programs Reintroduction programs Zoos Outcomes (3) Explore the success of different conservation methods. (5) Describe the benefits and drawbacks of different conservation methods (7) Evaluate a range of conservation methods; carefully considering issues such as funding, value and community support. Key terms: aesthetic, ecological, breeding program, zoo

17 Aesthetic vs ecological value What do the two mean? Outcomes (3) Explore the success of different conservation methods. (5) Describe the benefits and drawbacks of different conservation methods (7) Evaluate a range of conservation methods; carefully considering issues such as funding, value and community support. Key terms: aesthetic, ecological, breeding program, zoo

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