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Welcome!. Home economics Lessons include cooking skills cleaning skills Home economics is a subject for seventh graders. You can also choose it.

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1 Welcome!





6 Home economics Lessons include cooking skills cleaning skills Home economics is a subject for seventh graders. You can also choose it for later years. In home economics you learn how to cook and clean properly. There is always a teacher helping you if you need. Students usually like home economics because it’s not just sitting and studying. It’s normally just cooking and, a few times a year, some cleaning.


8 Music lessons include: singing Playing instruments music theory Music is a subject for seventh graders You can also choose it as an optional subject on grades 8 and 9 We listen to songs and then make our own versions of them We also have concerts We also study the history of music

9 Drama includes: – We practice stage performance – We write the plays ourselves You can choose this subject if you want it We make shows and perform them to the other students In drama-class you’ll get over your stage fear

10 School lunch We all go to eat in the middle of the day All meals are free Meals include: – salad – warm meal – bread – milk/water Sometimes we have special foods like: – juice – Hot chocolate – buns

11 World heritage project

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