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Published byRodney Skinner Modified over 9 years ago
Turkic Contributions To The CLIC Project Abbas Kenan Çiftçi Ankara University
Content Introduction CLIC Physics on CLIC CTF3 and its operation Interface of CLIC with LHC QCD Explorer Energy Frontier CLIC*LHC Collider FEL - A Collider
Introduction Number of reasons caused our group to sign a Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding with CLIC project collaboration. The reasons to join this collaboration were as follow: To direct experience gained at TESLA TDR to CLIC project efforts, To gain experience at accelerator physics, To increase the number of scientist collaborating with CERN for the future membership of Turkey. Planned contributions as collaborator were described at the Miniworkshop. Miniworkshop
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CLIC CLIC based at CERN is a challenging project that aims colliding beams of positrons and electrons at an energy of 3 TeV with luminosity of 10 35 cm -2 s -1. It would achieve this by using a new accelerating technology to reach the multi-TeV energy range in approximately the same distance that the ILC would require to reach its 0.5-1 TeV design specification. CLIC physicists chose a frequency of 30→12 GHz, aiming to achieve a gradient of 150→100 MV/m. Since there is no conventional power source (klystron), CLIC extracts RF power at 30→12 GHz from an intense electron “drive beam”. Because of break-down problems, the frequency and the gradient are replaced.
Physics on CLIC Lepton collider uses elementary particles with well defined initial state and beam polarization. Therefore, it produces particles democratically. In addition, momentum conservation eases decay product analysis. With these advantages, CLIC can explore on Higgs meson in detail, supersymmetry particle spectrum, extra spatial spectrum, new strong interactions, the fourth family SM fermions and more. In 2004, a report to summarize CLIC physics potential with our groups contributions, as well, was prepared.a report to summarize CLIC physics potential Studied by our group: The effects of beam dynamics to optimize processes, the search potential is studied in detail, in particular for different resonances in the e + -e -, γ-e, γ- γ and e - -e - collisions [ref.]. Additionally there are a number of physics topics which have been addressed in above report which need more detailed studies, and other, new physics scenarios that have emerged recently is studied as well [ref]. O. Cakir, I. Turk Cakir, Z. Kirca, Phys. Rev. D 70 075017 (2004);. O. Cakir, A. Yilmaz, S. Sultansoy, Phys. Rev. D 70, 075011 (2004). O. Cakir, M. Sahin, Phys.Rev.D 72, 115011 (2005). O. Cakir, New J.Phys, 8, 145 (2006). R. Ciftci, A.K. Ciftci, E. Recepoglu, S. Sultansoy, Turk.J.Phys.27, 179 (2003). A.K. Çiftçi, R. Çiftçi, S. Sultansoy, Phys. Rev. D 72, 053006 (2005).
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Physics on CLIC Fourth SM Family – Pair production – Quarkonia – Single(Anomalous) lepton and quark production ( AIP Conf.Proc.899:191-192,2007 and AIP Conf.Proc.899:227-228,2007 ) – Dirac and Majorana neutrino Exotic Quarks and Leptons (E 6 and so on) Extra Dimensions ( AIP Conf.Proc.899:199-200,2007 and AIP Conf.Proc.899:187-188,2007 ) Compositeness – Excited leptons and quarks – Contact interactions
CTF3 and its operation Aims of the CTF3 are to demonstrate Drive Beam generation (fully loaded acceleration, bunch frequency multiplication with 10), to test 30→12 GHz CLIC accelerating structures and to test 30→12 GHz power production structures (PETS). To fulfill our collaboration agreement, our young members have taken part (12 months man power) at CTF3 operation and tested PETS. With their contribution, CTF3 has reached 150→100 MV/m accelerating gradient. W. Wuensch, H. Aksakal, Hans-Heinrich Braun, G. Carron, R. Corsini, S. Dobert, R. Fandos, A. Grudiev, E. Jensen, O. Mete, T. Ramsvik, J.A. Rodriguez, J. Sladen, I. Syrachev, M. Taborelli, F. Tecker, P. Urschutz, I. Wilson, “A high-gradient test of a 30-GHz molybdenum iris structure”, CERN-AB-2006-035, CLIC-NOTE-680, CERN-CLIC-NOTE-680, Jun 2006. 3pp. Prepared for European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 06), Edinburgh, Scotland, 26-30 Jun 2006. Published in *Edinburgh 2006, EPAC* 801-803
Interface of CLIC with LHC One other intent of our group is to discuss different possibilities for interfacing CLIC with LHC, and to review the physics potential CLIC-LHC based colliders in detail.
QCD Explorer A QCD Explorer (QCD-E) assumes collisions of a 75 GeV electron beam from CLIC with the proton or nucleus beam from the LHC. It will supply e-p collisions with a centre of mass energy of 1.4 TeV. QCD-E (and the corresponding -p, e-A and -A options based on it) will be a unequaled instrument for detailed studies of the Quantum Chromo-Dynamics part of the Standard Model. It will let determine Parton Distribution Functions (PDF) in a wide kinematical region. The kinematical reach of QCD-E is about an order of magnitude larger than for HERA.
QCD Explorer (cont.) Our aim is to address a number of issues that need to be clarified. One of them is to determine luminosities of ep and p options. Another is determining laser parameters. The work on details of Physics at QCD-E continues. D. Schulte, F. Zimmermann, “QCD Explorer Based on LHC and CLIC-1”, EPAC 2004, Lucerne p. 632 (2004). H. Aksakal, A. K. Çiftçi, F. Zimmerman, and D. Schulte, “Photon-nucleon collider based on LHC and CLIC ”, PAC’05, Knoxville, Tennessee, TPPP010, AIP Conf. Proc. 110, 1207-1209 (2005). H. Aksakal, A.K. Ciftci, Z. Nergiz, D. Schulte, F. Zimmermann, “Conversion efficiency and luminosity for gamma-proton colliders based on the LHC-CLIC or LHC- ILC QCD explorer scheme”, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A576:287- 293 (2007). A.K. Ciftci, H. Aksakal, Z. Nergiz, “Analytical expression for the luminosity of gamma-p colliders”, AIP Conf.Proc.899:183-184 (2007). A.K. Ciftci, H. Aksakal, Z. Nergiz, “High energy photon beam generation for QCD explorer based gamma p colliders”, AIP Conf.Proc.899:211-212 (2007).
Energy Frontier CLIC*LHC Collider The Energy Frontier considers collisions of a 0.5 or 1.5 TeV electron beam from CLIC with the proton or nucleus beam from the LHC. It will provide e-p collisions with a centre of mass energy of 3.74 TeV or 6.48TeV. The discovery reach for New Physics of this machine is potentially much larger than that of 0.5 TeV e + -e - linear colliders and, with the electron beam being polarized it is complementary to that of the LHC. Note that e-p collisions are generally much cleaner than hadron collisions. A detailed comparison of the LHC, 0.5 TeV CLIC and CLIC*LHC potential for New Physics searches has been made for different phenomena ADD type ( AIP Conf.Proc.899:199-200,2007 ) and RS type ( AIP Conf.Proc.899:187-188,2007 ) excited gravitons, anomalous single productions of leptons ( AIP Conf.Proc.899:191-192,2007 ) and quarks ( AIP Conf.Proc.899:227-228,2007 ). Gamma-p and gamma-A collider options have very exciting features.
FEL - A Collider FEL -A collider assumes collision of a FEL beam, provided by the CLIC drive beam, with nuclei beam from LHC. It satisfies all requirements for an ideal Nuclear Resonant Fluorescence (NRF) source for nuclear spectroscopy. Detailed study is done by our group on this subject. H. Braun, R. Corsini, J.P. Delahaye, E. Guliyev, A. Ozcan, S. Sultansoy, O. Yavas, S. Yigit, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 552, 440-448 (2005); H. Braun, et al. CLIC Note 638, CERN OPEN 2005-021. Hans-Heinrich Braun, R. Corsini, S. Sultansoy, O. Yavas, “CLIC drive beam and LHC based FEL-nucleus collider”, Knoxville 2005, Particle Accelerator Conference, 4320 (2006).
CONCLUSION The collaboration with CLIC will be very useful for Turkey’s membership to CERN. It also helps transfer of accelerator technology to Turkey. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is supported by Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) and Turkish State Planning Organization (Grant number: DPT2006K-120470).
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