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Nucleo Ambientale a Cavallo. Where we are Nucleo Ambientale a Cavallo is a Non Profit Association (NFP-ASC) sited in a city of Abruzzo called Giulianova.

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Presentation on theme: "Nucleo Ambientale a Cavallo. Where we are Nucleo Ambientale a Cavallo is a Non Profit Association (NFP-ASC) sited in a city of Abruzzo called Giulianova."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nucleo Ambientale a Cavallo

2 Where we are Nucleo Ambientale a Cavallo is a Non Profit Association (NFP-ASC) sited in a city of Abruzzo called Giulianova. The Abruzzo Region, sited in the Centre of Italy, can boast the presence of three National Park, one Regional Park and 38 protected areas, oases, Regional and State Reserves. In total, 36% of the Region is subject to environmental protection: this is a result that ranks the Abruzzo Region at the first place in Italy. In this regard, we can speak of a real system of protection at European interest. The reserves protect 1% of the region and are managed by municipalities in most cases rely on committees expanded to other entities and associations can undertake projects for the detection and study of flora and fauna species. Some reserves have regional management bodies that provide in addition to compliance with the standards of protection, planning tools and programs to develop the protected area.

3 Our Social Purpose The voluntary association "Nucleo Ambientale a Cavallo" is an Institution apolitical, non-denominational and not-for-profit, but pursues the goal of social solidarity, social and cultural. The Association aims to operate in a specific way, with the performance of volunteer active and direct, oriented at the entire population, in the areas of civil protection, environmental protection, social welfare, as well as to make any initiative related and connected its purpose as it can promote best quality of life of man and his environment

4 Our purpose can be achieved through: Assistance to all organizations involved in civil protection and ambienntale. Conservation and maintenance of forest environments. Care and education of its members so that individually or in groups organized for the purpose, could help the services of environmental protection. Collaboration with other voluntary associations. Promotion and organization and management of initiatives aimed at vocational and business education business in general.

5 Partnership The Association “Nucleo Ambientale a Cavallo” makes use of the Training Institution Adriatica Consulting S.r.l. for the development of training courses for trainers and trainees. Adriatica Consulting is a VET Organization certified in the Abruzzo Region for Regional training, with experience in adult education. The Organization was created in 2001 for the first time as a training provider, making use of private and public founds. At this moment part of the training course are reserved for disadvantage groups (30%) and adult education. Actually we are providing training courses on renewable energy especially for people in search of new job opportunities in our local territory.

6 Our motivation Our association is undertaking vocational education and training initiatives to create new job opportunities in the field of renewable energy. This training is useful to help and protect the environment, increase the interest of the subject, develop sensitivity to environmental protection, to spread the use of it, reducing energy consumption.

7 The situation in Abruzzo The situation in Abruzzo A great percentage of municipalities in Abruzzo, more than 91%, has at least one technology from renewable sources in their territory. The novelty perhaps most important is represented by a generation increasingly distributed, which overturns the energy model built in the last centuries around to fossil fuels, the major renewable energy installations. The diffusion of renewable energy sources is changing the energy landscape in our country and in our region. Thanks to these plants have reduced imports of fossil fuels and the production of polluting plants. Now is the time to give certainty to this perspective, focusing on a model more efficient, distributed, renewable. In recent years, many have argued that these results were simply impossible to achieve. Renewables have helped create new jobs (over 100 thousand in Italy), led services, upgraded buildings and created new opportunities for applied research as well as greater well-being and quality of life.

8 Our motivation for participation in the project Develop methods of vocational education and training. Promote environmental protection through public awareness in the field of renewable energy. Create new jobs at a local level. Increasing employment in enterprises. Exchange of experiences and good practices in the field of renewable energy. Increase our knowledge on environmental protection.


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