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Replacement of existing rock groynes and other in river restoration works to improve rapids and habitats in the River Wye at Symonds Yat.

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Presentation on theme: "Replacement of existing rock groynes and other in river restoration works to improve rapids and habitats in the River Wye at Symonds Yat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Replacement of existing rock groynes and other in river restoration works to improve rapids and habitats in the River Wye at Symonds Yat

2 Aims: Provide stability to island and reduce erosion Provide year round, stable and permanent groynes Enhance & protect the habitat for rare and protected species Improve access to the rapids for emergencies and portaging

3 Proposals Boulders up to 5t will be placed to form 10 new goynes The new groynes will replace 12 currently on site Island to be protected with rock at upstream end. Ancillary works with planting on the island and access steps downstream of island


5 Environmental Considerations Scheme developed to agree planning policy Flood risk assessment made with a negligible impact Groynes will look very similar to existing




9 Environmental Considerations An independent, comprehensive ecological screening assessment has been made This concluded that the proposals would have No Significant Effects on the River Wye Special Area for Conservation and on any species of animal or plant. Indeed the proposals overall were deemed likely to have a beneficial effect on the SAC qualifying features.

10 Environmental Considerations An archaeology investigation concluded that there would be no impact on any known item of archaeological importance Access of all plant and materials will be via the forestry tracks. The final part of the access will be along the footpath and a diversion will be in place to the adjacent path The design will maintain the navigation of the rapids in both directions.

11 Timescales Works proposed for September 2008 after schools go back Six week window available as all river works must be completed by 15 th October Two weeks in river works expected; stone stockpiled beforehand Low flows required and if opportunity does not present itself then works postponed until ‘09.


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