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Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008.

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1 Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008

2 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 As you all know, I am now retiring after three years of service to you – one more year than the usual term, due to the need to bridge a succession gap.

3 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 As you all know, I am now retiring after three years of service to you - one more year than the usual term - due to the need to bridge a succession gap. So my report this year is possibly more than an Annual Report, and more of a Report on the three years of my Stewardship on your behalf.

4 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 I know that it is impossible to please all members all of the time,

5 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 I know that it is impossible to please all members all of the time, but I hope that I have pleased most of you, some of the time, most of you, some of the time,

6 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 I know that it is impossible to please all members all of the time, but I hope that I have pleased most of you, some of the time, most of you, some of the time, or some of you, most of the time.

7 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 In those three years, your Society has changed and developed probably more rapidly and radically than in any similar period of its history – not, I should emphasise due to me, but to your Executive Committee.

8 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 The Society’s Constitution has been updated after a 20 year interval to widen its aims, - beyond its original aims - beyond its original aims of the Conservation and Restoration of the Fabric of our Town, to include protecting the Quality of Life of those who live and work in Tunbridge Wells.

9 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008  The Society has taken a much more pro-active approach to Tunbridge Wells issues, such as :

10 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008  The Society has taken a much more pro-active approach to Tunbridge Wells issues, such as : seeking and having direct discussion seeking and having direct discussion on a regular (3-4 monthly) basis with on a regular (3-4 monthly) basis with both our local MP and the Leader of the Council.

11 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008  The Society has taken a much more pro-active approach to Tunbridge Wells issues, such as : seeking and having direct discussion seeking and having direct discussion on a regular (3-4 monthly) basis with on a regular (3-4 monthly) basis with both our local MP and the Leader of the Council. both our local MP and the Leader of the Council. and directly and successfully approaching developers (such as Padlake/Rydell and Targetfollow) for discussions. and directly and successfully approaching developers (such as Padlake/Rydell and Targetfollow) for discussions.

12 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008  The Society has taken a much more pro-active approach to Tunbridge Wells issues, such as : seeking and having direct discussion seeking and having direct discussion on a regular (3-4 monthly) basis with on a regular (3-4 monthly) basis with both our local MP and the Leader of the Council. both our local MP and the Leader of the Council. and directly and successfully approaching developers (such as Padlake/Rydell and Targetfollow) for discussions. and directly and successfully approaching developers (such as Padlake/Rydell and Targetfollow) for discussions. And inviting the Marquess of Abergavenny to be our President, an invitation which he has graciously accepted. And inviting the Marquess of Abergavenny to be our President, an invitation which he has graciously accepted.

13 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008  The Society’ Scrutiny Sub-Committee has examined 287 planning applications relating to Royal Tunbridge Wells and has written 77 letters of representation.

14 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008  The Society’ Scrutiny Sub-Committee has examined 287 planning applications relating to Royal Tunbridge Wells and has written 77 letters of representation.  The Society’s website had a total of 10,619 ‘hits’ in the past 12 months, up over 3,000 on the previous year.

15 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008  The Society’ Scrutiny Sub-Committee has examined 287 planning applications relating to Royal Tunbridge Wells and has written 77 letters of representation.  The Society’s website had a total of 10,619 ‘hits’ in the past 12 months, up over 3,000 on the previous year.  The Society had 438 members at 31st. August 2008 and held 12 meetings for members through the year.

16 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008  The Society’ Scrutiny Sub-Committee has examined 287 planning applications relating to Royal Tunbridge Wells and has written 77 letters of representation.  The Society’s website had a total of 10,619 ‘hits’ in the past 12 months, up over 3,000 on the previous year.  The Society had 438 members at 31st. August 2008 and held 12 meetings for members through the year.  The Society’s Annual Garden Party was held on Nevill Ridge in July by kind permission of Miss Jean Barling and was attended by about 100 people, including the Mayor and Mayoress and many Councillors.


18 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008  The Society has initiated, promoted, and given its full support, to local events, such as – the ‘400 Years’ celebration in 2006, - Heritage Open Days for the past three years, - Heritage Open Days for the past three years, - and the Centenary of the ‘Royal ‘ title in 2009.

19 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008  The Society has initiated, promoted, and given its full support, to local events, such as – the ‘400 Years’ celebration in 2006, - Heritage Open Days for the past three years, - Heritage Open Days for the past three years, - and the Centenary of the ‘Royal’ ‘title in 2009.  The annual Heritage Open Day event in September now has 35 properties and eight events involved, and an estimated 6-8,000 participants in 2008.

20 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008  The length and breadth of the Society’s operation has been widened by including Local History within its remit.

21 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008  The length and breadth of the Society’s operation has been widened by including Local History within its remit.  The publication of a series of Local History Monographs (now nine in number), have added to both the Society’s reputation and finances.

22 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 The financial situation of the Society has improved considerably with a balance sheet increased several fold – although this has never been a major aim.

23 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 The financial situation of the Society has improved considerably with a balance sheet increased several fold – although this has never been a major aim. This has been due principally to the Monographs etc. which we have produced; but also to Gift Aid donations.

24 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 The financial situation of the Society has improved considerably with a balance sheet increased several fold – although this has never been a major aim. This has been due principally to the Monographs etc. which we have produced; but also to Gift Aid donations.

25 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 Nonetheless we are still a relatively poor Society,

26 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 Nonetheless we are still a relatively poor Society, but there is no doubt that a larger ‘cushion’ of financial support

27 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 Nonetheless we are still a relatively poor Society, but there is no doubt that a larger ‘cushion’ of financial support  enables us to think and act more broadly and more pro-actively on a wider number of issues;

28 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 Nonetheless we are still a relatively poor Society, but there is no doubt that a larger ‘cushion’ of financial support  enables us to think and act more broadly and more pro-actively on a wider number of issues;  to make suitable donations where necessary;

29 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 Nonetheless we are still a relatively poor Society, but there is no doubt that a larger ‘cushion’ of financial support  enables us to think and act more broadly and more pro-actively on a wider number of issues;  to make suitable donations where necessary;  and also to keep our subscription rates down in times of inflation.

30 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 All of this achieved, while maintaining the original aims of the Society, as set up in 1959, and whose 50th. Anniversary we are due to celebrate in 2009.

31 Chairman’s Report to AGM, 2008 So I conclude my report by wishing my successor, Dr. Alistair Tod continuing success in the Management of the Society, particular in what will be our 50 th. Anniversary Year.

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