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Bulgarian GRID, Bulgarian Virtual observatory and some astronomical applications Georgi Petrov, Momchil Dechev and Emanouil Atanasov VII Bulgarian-Serbian.

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Presentation on theme: "Bulgarian GRID, Bulgarian Virtual observatory and some astronomical applications Georgi Petrov, Momchil Dechev and Emanouil Atanasov VII Bulgarian-Serbian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bulgarian GRID, Bulgarian Virtual observatory and some astronomical applications Georgi Petrov, Momchil Dechev and Emanouil Atanasov VII Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference - ASTROINFORMATICS 01 – 04 June 2010 – Chepelare, BULGARIA

2 BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications 1. Introduction 2. Grid portals, WEB services etc. 3. Middleware, Frameworks etc. 4. Software and standards 5. Modelling, simulations etc. 6. Astronomical applications and projects

3 BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications INTRODUCTION 1. A new age for the oldest science 2. The Free Lunch Is Over 3. The Grid: separating fact from fiction 4.Back to Basics - Why go parallel? 5. What makes parallel programming hard? 6. BOINC - Kilo, mega, giga, tera, peta... exa?

4 BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications GRID PORTALS AND WEB SERVICES 1. Grid Projects National Grid projects Previous projects 2. AccessGrid 3. AstroWISE - Astronomical Wide-field Imaging System for Europe 4. BalticGrid-II project 5. BOINC - Open-source software for volunteer and grid computing. 6. ICC- COSMA 7. DEISA 8. EGEE - Enabling Grids for E-sciencE 9. FermiGrid 10. GLOBUS 11. EU India Grid 12. Grid Observatory 13. LitGRID - Vilnjus

5 BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications GRID portals...- cont... 14. NASA ADVANCED SUPERCOMPUTING (NAS) DIVISION 15. Open Science GRID 16. Sloan Digital Sky Sever 17. SEE-GRID 18. Tier2 site in Prague 19. TeraGrid 20. AstroGrid 21. Astrogrid - D 22. International Virtual Observatory Alliance 23. Worldwide LHC Computing Grid

6 BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications MIDDLEWARE AND FRAMEWORKS 1. How to run a million jobs FALKON, a Fast and Light-weight tasK executiON framework for Clusters, Grids, and Supercomputers – AstroPortal GRACIE: Grid Resource Virtualization and Customization Infrastructure NIMROD - A million questions or a few good answers? SWIFT 2. IMAGER: A Parallel Interface to Spectral Line Processing 3. CoG Kit 4. gLite... 5. Globus Toolkit 6. Parallel-Processing Astronomical Image Analysis Tools for HST and SIRTF 7. Grid Observatory 8. SEEGRID Infrastrucure 9. Stellaris 10. Virgo Consortium 11. ProC - The Planck Process Coordinator Workflow Engine

7 BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications SOFTWARE AND STANDARDS 1. AMEEPAR - Parallel processing for hyperspectral imaging 2. GADGET-2 – a code for cosmological simulations of structure formation. 3. CRBLASTER : a fast parallel-processing program for cosmic ray rejection 4. MATLAB - do more 5. N_body-sh1p - a parallel direct N_body code 6. VO-Software 7. WorldWide Telescope 8. VirGO 9. Message Passing Interface Standard (MPI) 10. Resource Description Framework (RDF)

8 BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications MODELLING, SIMULATIONS etc. 1. A star is born - thanks to supersonic turbulence 2. Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes 3. Cosmic simulation 4. Flip-flopping of black hole accretion disks 5. Millennium Simulation Project 6. Dark Energy Survey - Simulating starry images 7. Visualizations in planetarium show

9 BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications ASTROPHYSICAL APPLICATIONS, PROJECTS etc. 1. A neutrino's journey: From accelerator to analysis 2. A virtual universe 3. Near Earth Objects 4. Scientific Applications of AstroGRID-D Dynamo Nbody6++ GEO600 Clusterfinder Cactus RoboticTelescopes ProC 5. MATHEMATICA - astronomical demo–examples 6. AstroWISE - Science projects 7. Black holes and their jets

10 BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications Astrophysical Applications... - cont. 8. BOINC-GridRepublic projects SETI@home World Community Grid Rosetta@home Einstein@home BBC Climate Change LHC@home Predictor@home Milkyway@home Spinhenge Quantum Monte Carlo Africa@home SIMAP

11 BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications Astrophysical Applications... - cont. 9. BalticGrid-II project - applications 10. Euro-VO Scientific Workflows 11. GAJA mission 12. Galaxies search in AstroGRID-RU 13. Girls Engaged in Math and Science (GEMS) program 14. Galaxy-Intergalactic Medium Interaction Calculation 15. Grid in a cloud 16. Databases in Grid 17. Grid-enabled Astrophysics 18. GRID and the Virtual Observatory 19. Sifting for dark matter 20. Chandra X-ray observatory 21. STAR experiment 22. The Networked Telescope: Progress Toward a Grid Architecture for Pipeline Processing

12 Thank You!

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