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Published byMitchell Clement Greer Modified over 9 years ago
1. AT: Österreich C. Magele 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik means Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (partial) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) JV Benlloch? Portal OK
2. BE: België/Belgique/Belgien R. Cathoor 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Miss. 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (ok) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) H. Yahoui? Portal no: which degree in which univ.?%age?
3. 3. BG: Bulgaria S. Stefanova & al. 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –1.Information (Computer) Sciences and technologies »Информационни /Компютърни/ науки и технологии –2.Communication technologies »Комуникационни технологии –3.Electroengineering »Електроинженерство 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (ok) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) F. Maciel-Barbosa Portal OK
4 CZ: Česká republika (Czech Rep.) M. Chmela 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Elektrotechnika a informatika (translated in English as "Electrical Engineering and Computer Science" or "Electrical Engineering and Informatics") –Elektrotechnika a informační technologie ("Electrical Engineering and Information Technology") 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field () –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (ok) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) C. Burkley Portal OK
5.DE: Deutschland O. Rösch 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik can be translated as Electrical, Electronics and Information engineering. 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (ok) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address missing Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) J. Esteves Portal OK
6. DK: Danmark J. Salo 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Miss. 2nd part, overview on the country –Miss. No answer from Danish colleagues Portal: nothing M. Chmela
7. EE: Eesti R. Ubar 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Informatsioonitehnika is translated by Information technology »It consists of the following curricula (specialities): Arvuti- ja süsteemitehnikaComputer and System Engineering ElektroonikaElectronics InformaatikaInformatics TelekommunikatsioonTelecommunication –Infotehnoloogia Elektrotehnika can be translated as Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (global statistics on number of students in EIE vs. total number of students are missing) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) J. Ligus Portal OK
8. ES: España A. Garcia & al. 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Ingeniería Eléctrica, Informática y de Telecomunicación means Electrical Engineering, Informatics and Telecommunication Engineering. –TIC: Tecnologías de la Información y de las Comunicaciones means ICT : Information and Communication Technologies. 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (ok) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) A. Luukko Portal: %age missing
9. FI: Suomi/Finland A. Luukko 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Sähkö – ja Tietotekniikka can be translated as Electrical and Information Engineering 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (ok) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) MJ Martins Portal: %age missing
10. FR: France JM Thiriet & al. 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? In France, the traditional terms are: –Electronique, Electrotechnique et automatiqueElectronics, Electrotechnics and Control –InformatiqueInformatics, computers. Nowadays, the French CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research / Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) uses the expression STIC (Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication / Information and Communication Sciences and Technology). 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (ok) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (almost ok) M. Chmela Portal OK
11. GR: Eλλάς (Greece) G. Zeibekakis 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? – means Electrotechnic, Electronic, Control – means Electromechanical Engineering –What about computer science and information technology? 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (to complete) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (miss.) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (miss.) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (miss.) To complete? Portal: %age missing
12. HU: Magyarország (Hungary) L. Cszink & H. Yahoui 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Label name for electrical engineering:villamosmérnök –Label name for information engineering:műszaki informatika 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (ok) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) M. Novell Portal no: which degree in which univ.?%age?
13. IE: Éire /Ireland C. Burkley 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Firstly in relation to the title 'Electrical and Information Engineering', the title itself does not tend to be used in Ireland, though Electrical Engineering and Information Engineering or Information Systems Engineering are used separately. Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering are also popular. Like the UK, the term ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) is now the most popular used to describe the EIE disciplines. 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (ok) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) R. Ubar Portal OK
14. IT: Italia C. Perra & al. 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Electrical and Information Engineering may correspond to Ingegneria Elettrica e dell'Informazione in Italian. 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (ok, but weight of EIE is missing, %age of students in EIE among the global amount of students) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) D. Genon-Catalot Portal: %age missing
15. LT: Lietuva (Lithuania) R. Krivickas 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Elektros ir elektronikos inzinerijaElectrical and Electronics Engineering –Informatikos inzinerija Information Engineering 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (ok) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) S. Stefanova Portal OK
16. LU: Luxembourg JM Thiriet 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Systèmes d'information, systèmes distribués, génie logiciel, réseaux, systèmes microélectroniques, télécommunications, énergie électrique, automatisation 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (miss.) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) D. Genon Portal: OK
17. LV: Latvia I. Slaidins 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Major integral fields: »Elektrozinātne – Electroscience (Electrical Engineering) »Datorzinātne un informāciju tehnoloģijas – Computer Science and Information Technologies –Some specialisations: »Datorvadība – Computer Control »Elektronika un telekomunikācijas – Electronics and Telecommunications 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (miss.) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) P. Lappalainen Portal: %age missing
18. NL: Nederland C. Berger-Vachon, JM Thiriet & al. 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Miss. 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (on the way) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (miss.) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (on the way) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (partial) To complete? Portal: %age missing S. Mylvaganam
19. NO: Norge S. Mylvaganam & al. 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –?????????????????. 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (miss.) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok, http addresses missing) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) C. Burkley Portal ???
20. PL: Polska W. Grega & al. 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Electronika, Elektrotechnika, Informatyka means Electrotechnics, Electronics, Informatics 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (ok) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) R. Krivickas Portal: %age missing
21. PT: Portugal F. Maciel-Barbosa 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Engenharia Electrotecnica e Informatica means Electrical and Information Engineering 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (ok) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) J. V. Benlloch Portal: %age missing
22. RO: Rômania D. Genon-Catalot 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Miss. 2nd part, overview on the country –Miss. No answer from Romanian colleagues Portal: nothing
23. SE: Sverige M. Bayart, S. Mylvaganam 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Miss. 2nd part, overview on the country –Miss. No answer from Swedish colleagues Portal: nothing
24. SI: Slovenija MJ Martins 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Miss. 2nd part, overview on the country –Miss. No answer from Slovenian colleagues Portal: nothing M. J. Martins
25. SK: Slovensko J. Jasenek 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –Elektrotechnické a informatické inžinierstvo means Electrotechnical and Informatic Engineering 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (ok) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) M. Chmela Portal: %age missing
26. UA: Ukraine A. Zynovchenko & al. 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? Ok 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (ok) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country –10.1.4 References 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (ok) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (ok) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (ok) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (ok) J. Ligus Portal OK
27. UK: United Kingdom A. Ward & al. 1st part, chapter 3: EIE in your country? –ICT for Information and Communication Technology 2nd part, overview on the country 10.1. General information (some) –10.1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field (miss.) –10.1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula (miss.) –10.1.3Implementation of the 3-5-8 system in the country (miss.) –10.1.4 References (miss.) 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country (miss.) 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country (miss.) Appendix A: List of institutions in EIE and http address (miss.) Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE (miss.) To complete?Portal: nothing
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