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Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Limited, P.O. Box 30368, Lower Hutt, New Zealand Ph: +64-4-5701444 Russell Robinson & Rafael Benites Synthetic.

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Presentation on theme: "Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Limited, P.O. Box 30368, Lower Hutt, New Zealand Ph: +64-4-5701444 Russell Robinson & Rafael Benites Synthetic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Limited, P.O. Box 30368, Lower Hutt, New Zealand Ph: +64-4-5701444 Russell Robinson & Rafael Benites Synthetic Seismicity of Multiple Interacting Faults and its use for Modelling Strong Ground Motion

2 New Zealand tectonic and bathymetric setting Image from NIWA National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd K e r m a d e c T r e n c h H i k u r a n g i T r o u g h A l p i n e F a u l t

3 Wellington region topography

4 Major faults of the Wellington region


6 Earthquake Commission (EQC) A small fraction of fire insurance premiums is used for earthquake insurance A small fraction of fire insurance premiums is used for earthquake insurance They asked GNS: What is the probability of two (or more ) large earthquakes in the Wellington region within a few years of one another?What is the probability of two (or more ) large earthquakes in the Wellington region within a few years of one another? What sort of shaking should we expect from a large earthquake on the Wellington Fault?What sort of shaking should we expect from a large earthquake on the Wellington Fault?

7 Synthetic Seismicity: Computer model of a network of interacting faults and a driving mechanism. Generates long catalogues of seismicity so that questions can be answered by statistical analysis. Computationally efficient but reasonably realistic. Fault properties are tuned to reproduce known slip rates/directions and other fault properties.

8 Features: Coulomb Failure Criterion. Static/dynamic friction law, modified to include healing. Okada’s (1992) dislocation routines for calculating induced stresses. Stress propagation is at the shear wave velocity.

9 Features: Induced changes in pore pressure are included. Mimics dynamic rupture effects to some degree. All interaction terms are kept in RAM. The program has been “parallelized” to run on a Beowulf PC cluster.

10 Fault Interactions

11 Stress history of a single cell

12 Model faults



15 Wellington Fault Fault Length: 75 km Fault Width:20 km Fault Dip:90 o Cell Size: 1 x 1 km Coefficient of Friction: Asperity regions: Random between 0.65 and 0.95 Non-Asperity:Random between 0.40 and 0.70 Stress Drop: 25% Static/Dynamic Strength: 0.85 Healing Time: 3.0 s Dynamic Enhancement Factor: 1.2 Pore Pressure: Initially ~ hydrostatic; varies with time Stress Propagation Velocity: 3.0 km/s

16 Typical ‘Characteristic’ Event Moment: 1.41 x 10 20 N-m; Mw 7.40 ModelSommerville (1999) Rupture Area 1500 km 2 2810 km 2 Average Slip 2.35 m1.96 m Area of Asperities 345 km 2 630 km 2 Area of Largest Asperity 272 km 2 458 km 2 Radius of Largest Asperity~9 km 2 13 km Num. of Asperities 2 + 1 very small2.6 Area Covered by Asperities23%22% Average Asperity Slip 1.672.01 Contrast Corner Spatial Wavenumber, Along Strike 0.01 km -1 0.01 km -1 Along Dip 0.01 km -1 0.02 km -1 Slip Duration 3.0 s2.55 s Rupture Duration~30 s-

17 Final slip distribution

18 Rupturing ‘snapshots’ for a characteristic Wellington Fault event



21 METHOD Discrete wave number Generalised reflection/transmission coefficients (Bouchon 1979, Kennet 1973, Chin and Aki 1991) In the plane k-z k kyky kxkx

22 in which t n is the time shift corresponding to the time step n, X P and X S are the directivity correction factors for P and S waves, respectively, applied to each subfault m, and defined by: with  r = average rupture velocity, L = length of the subfault m, and  the angle between the point source corresponding to the subfault m and the station. The components of the wavefield contribution of each subfault in the k-z plane are rotated to the geographical coordinates.

23 The complete wavefield in the source layer L is computed from: for P-SV waves; and for SH waves, where: The propagation through the layers is performed by applying the generalized reflection/transmission coefficients.

24 Ground displacement at x=5 km, y=70 km

25 Velocity and acceleration

26 Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Limited, P.O. Box 30368, Lower Hutt, New Zealand Ph: +64-4-5701444 Russell Robinson & Rafael Benites

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