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The Steps Involved Select a Company who has internationalised or is intending to Age of Internationalisation event Check existing papers about this coy.

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Presentation on theme: "The Steps Involved Select a Company who has internationalised or is intending to Age of Internationalisation event Check existing papers about this coy."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Steps Involved Select a Company who has internationalised or is intending to Age of Internationalisation event Check existing papers about this coy & make sure you do not write the same thing! In your stage 2 submission include the URLs of these written papers and summarize what they are about > 6 mths In your stage 2 submission, include the key URL of chosen coy’s internationalisation event Choose which topic/s in the unit’s schedule you want to frame your evaluation Qs Read your text (and other sources) about the selected topic/s so that you can understand what evaluation Qs to ask Define the Qs – keep them as simple what, why or how Qs. Develop the answers; research and provide evidence to support answers Reflect on your answers and see what inferring statement you can make Conclude by Summarising the answers as key evaluation findings, and the inference if any Working Paper (likely not easy to read) Working Paper (likely not easy to read) Planning your final write-up Map the structure of the report and key bullet points Is the Writing Logic Clear? <=6 mths No Yes Write your full report Edit & Proof Read Meets Assessment Criteria? No Yes Submit according to instructions Final Report This shows your critical thinking & writing quality This shows your compliance to assessment requirements This is extra work – if you want to miss, choose a recent internationalisation story like shown in tuts. Make sure you comply to the restrictions in assignment brief First draft of Q in stage 2 submission, which can be enhanced later Your critical thinking outputs To be completed to complete stage 2 Legend

2 Introduction Name the coy of the case study; summarize the issues that are linked to the selected MGX5181 topic/s to be addressed and the concluding finding/s (1/3 to ½ page) Part One Case study – the story narrative Part Two List of case research Qs Part Three Case research Q&A Conclusion A short summary of the answers and the conclusion that can be inferred from these answers (1/3 to ½ page) Reference List Introduction Name the coy of the case study; summarize the issues that are linked to the selected MGX5181 topic/s to be addressed and the concluding finding/s (1/3 to ½ page) Part One Case study – the story narrative Part Two List of case research Qs Part Three Case research Q&A Conclusion A short summary of the answers and the conclusion that can be inferred from these answers (1/3 to ½ page) Reference List Assignment 2 – the Report Format Clear description of the administrative problem / decision making event/s; must contain relevant FACTS of the coy’s internationalisation situation Facilitating the decision making or problem solving Give insights into decision or the problem solution Introduce the key parties and nature of internationalisation inquiry The evidence to support your Q&A, and case story writing

3 Assignment 2 – Writing the Case Study Report Ie the case study report Ie Case story Case Story: 1.Introduce the IB company and business profile – emphasizing more about the IB side of the business, including the latest IB event/s and parties involved 2.For the chosen IB event ( which reflects your choice of which week’s topic you are focusing on, or the given “country assessment and MoE selection” option): Introduce the selected IB event Discuss the issues and any resolutions taken (if any) 3.Conclusion: If a developing event, summarize its current state and anticipate what’s next If a past event, summarize the lessons learnt from the IB event and where is the firm at as a result of these lessons learnt. Ie Case story Use English narrative genre to guide your case story writing structure (1) (2) (3)

4 Assignment 2 – Writing the Case Study Report Case Story part Case Analysis part List the Qs Q&A Conclusion Reference List

5 Assignment 2 – Writing the Case Study Report Case Story part Case Analysis part List the Qs Q&A Conclusion Reference List

6 Assignment 2 – Writing the Case Study Report How to formulate the Qs? 1.Which topic (ie week & activity) are you choosing? Are you writing about: Week 2-4: Country assessment and MoE selection (default option) Week 5: The corporate and business level strategies of your company ? Week 6: The domestic, regional or global aspects of the company? Week7: The value chain configuration and coordination nuts & bolts of the company? Week 8-10: the selected MoE used in the company in its IB event Week 11: The implementation drivers relating to leadership, innovation & governance, etc Nore:I am not sure which week corporate social responsibility was mentioned and you can also focus on examining the CSR program of the company

7 Assignment 2 – Writing the Case Study Report How to formulate the Qs? 1.Which topic (ie week & activity) are you choosing? Are you writing about: Week 2-4: Country assessment and MoE selection (default option) or Week 5: The corporate and business level strategies of your company or Week 6: The domestic, regional or global aspects of the company or Week7: The value chain configuration and coordination nuts & bolts of the company or Week 8-10: the selected MoE used in the company in its IB event or Week 11: The implementation drivers relating to leadership, innovation & governance, etc. Nore:I am not sure which week corporate social responsibility was mentioned and you can also focus on examining the CSR program of the company Sub-steps involved: a)Research future lectures, or text book or recommended readings to find more about your chosen topic b)Research other sources if you cant find much in (1) c)Your reading findings about the theories, concepts & facts of the topic should give some ideas to re-engineer what Qs you can ask and potentially use these reading findings to frame your answers’ outlines. The answer can be somewhat theory/academe based – that is fine as you may not be able to get all relevant info about the case’s situation relating to the topic and Qs chosen. Note:If you have not chosen the topic on Week 2-4: Country assessment and MoE selection (default option) – no need to do country assessment and confuse yourself, as many had done so in class. Just ask Q related to the chosen week’s subject matters.

8 Future week’s lecture slides from S2, 2104 To help you out in understand what subject matters are covered in full weeks, the resources are in: gf-5181-s1-2015/

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