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Jason J. Siwula, PE – Safety Engineer DOES 24+0=22+2? AN INTRO TO HSM METHODS.

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Presentation on theme: "Jason J. Siwula, PE – Safety Engineer DOES 24+0=22+2? AN INTRO TO HSM METHODS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jason J. Siwula, PE – Safety Engineer DOES 24+0=22+2? AN INTRO TO HSM METHODS

2 Does 24+0=22+2?  On the surface it appears that 24=24  Sometimes items are not as simple as they seem…

3 I see you x!

4 Placement makes a world of difference! Edgeline on edge of pavement with no room for shoulder Edgeline placed with room for shoulder

5 Example Case Study Source: Hillary Isebrands (FHWA Office of Safety)

6 Example Case Study (continued)  Q: When resurfaced, can we influence safety on this roadway without utilizing any additional funds to do so?  A: Yes, with the HSM we can examine different lane/shoulder combinations to determine the best layout of the markings for safety performance.

7 Example Case Study continued Existing Conditions 11 ft. lanes, 1 ft. shoulders

8 What does that mean? 26.72*1.29=34.47 crashes per year (344.7 crashes in 10 years) 26.72*1.26=33.66 crashes per year (336.6 crashes in 10 years) Existing Conditions 11 ft. lanes, 1 ft. shoulders Using the SPF for 2 lane rural highways for a 10 miles segment with 10,000 vpd we would estimate a base number of crashes to be 26.72 crashes per year. That’s a predicted savings of 8.1 crashes over 10 years!

9 What is the HSM?  The Highway Safety Manual (HSM) introduces a science-based technical approach that takes the guesswork out of safety analysis  Provides tools to conduct quantitative safety analyses, allowing for safety to be evaluated alongside other transportation performance measures Source:

10 HSM Part C – Predictive Method  Introduces Safety Performance Functions (SPFs)  Predictive method for estimating expected average crash frequency of a:  Network  Facility  Individual Site

11 HSM in Kentucky?  Utilize HSIP funds to purchase HSMs for each District as well as the Central Office  Utilize HSM predictive methods in project evaluation and prioritization for new projects  KYTC Safety Engineers are evaluating the accompanying software package SafetyAnalyst for possible future implementation

12 Interested in the HSM?   

13 Questions?

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