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Chapter 19 review. Contiguous Joined together inside a common boundary?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 19 review. Contiguous Joined together inside a common boundary?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 19 review

2 Contiguous Joined together inside a common boundary?

3 There are 48 states in the contiguous United States name the 2 states that are not? Alaska and Hawaii

4 Coastal Plains Includes the Atlantic coastal plain and Gulf coastal plain?

5 Megalopolis Cities and their suburbs that form a huge settlement

6 Appalachian Mountains On the western edge of the Atlantic coastal plain and has the oldest mountains in the U.S.

7 Interior Plains Includes: –Great lakes area –Mississippi river area –Great plains

8 Mountains and Plateaus Rocky mountains run from Alaska to Mexico Continental divide separates rivers that flow east and west

9 The Pacific Coast Includes the Cascade mountain range and Sierra Nevada mountain range and fertile valleys.

10 Alaska Borders the arctic circle

11 Submerged structures made from skeletons of small sea animals coral reefs

12 Free enterprise system Idea that people have the right to run businesses to make a profit Governments have little interference

13 ½ U.S. farms produce of the worlds corn and 20% of the worlds beef, pork, and lamb.

14 Landfills Places where trash is dumped –getting higher every year

15 Recycling Reusing things instead of throwing them away

16 True or False. The United States has some of the worst healthcare in the world. False

17 From Asia across the Bering strait Where do we think the first Americans came from?

18 Citizens elect representatives to make laws Representative Democracy

19 Constitution Tells people what the government can and can’t do

20 After World War II When did the U.S. become a world leader?

21 English What is the main language of the U.S.

22 False True or False. English is the national language of the U.S.

23 Suburb What are small communities that surround a larger city?

24 Department of Homeland Security Est. September 11, 2001 Helps government agencies to protect the nation from attacks

25 3 rd U.S. has the largest population in the world –285 million people

26 Amend To change a constitution

27 Federal Republic Government divided between a national government and state governments

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