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Argument by: Jessica, Patrick, and Louis.. Why English should be… President Theodore Roosevelt once said, "We have one language here, and that is the.

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Presentation on theme: "Argument by: Jessica, Patrick, and Louis.. Why English should be… President Theodore Roosevelt once said, "We have one language here, and that is the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Argument by: Jessica, Patrick, and Louis.

2 Why English should be… President Theodore Roosevelt once said, "We have one language here, and that is the English language, and we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans." This country is all about diversity and being the melting pot of the world..but this diversity is causing a growing underclass, which is segregated and walled off into linguistic ghettos.

3 Learning to speak English empowers immigrants. By more than 2- 1 immigrants themselves say the U.S. should expect new immigrants to learn English and by a 9-1 margin Hispanic immigrants believe learning English is essential to succeed in the U.S. stats from Some more arguments are…  Language diversity is a recent problem in the United States, which Founding fathers never had to cope with.  Before the last couple of decades, Americans had never provided bilingual ballots, education, publications, and similar services at public expense.  Plenty of other countries have designated official languages to manage diversity. Why not the U.S.A.?

4 For 200 years we have gone with out making English our official language, why should we now? It wasn’t till 1981 when the first constitutional amendment was introduced, except for when John Adams proposed an official language academy to set standards for English in 1780. It was turned down by the continental congress…if our fore fathers have done so well so far running our country hundreds of years later, then there was probably very good reasons on why they decided against it.

5 There is no proof that English has ever united countries. Ex. Australia, India, and Ireland were settled by the English…unified? Ex. King James forced English on Britain in the 1700’s in hope to uniform the English and the Scotts’…failed.

6 If any language was chosen, it should be Spanish…  322 to 400 million people speak Spanish  Most high schools offer Spanish classes in America  Most popular spoken romance language…

7 Should the Government have the right to tell us what language to speak and how to speak it??? If you move to another country, for your own benefit you should speak or learn to speak their language. Good communication skills are a major key to success. But if we make the U.S. official language we will have to have a special department to define what English is and how it should be officially used. What would be the penalties for not speaking it correctly or at all?


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