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Foot Binding. What is beautiful? What is Foot Binding? Custom in China from the 10 th century to the 20 th century Women thought small feet were beautiful.

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Presentation on theme: "Foot Binding. What is beautiful? What is Foot Binding? Custom in China from the 10 th century to the 20 th century Women thought small feet were beautiful."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foot Binding

2 What is beautiful?

3 What is Foot Binding? Custom in China from the 10 th century to the 20 th century Women thought small feet were beautiful Foot binding would start when girls were young, usually about 5 or 6

4 The Process The would tape young girls feet (4-6yrs old) The feet were taped very tight The toes would break The toes would fold underneath

5 The Results The process would cause extreme pain Very difficult to walk This is the cause of much paralysis in older Chinese women






11 What are some other weird beauty practices?

12 Karen Women of the Pa Daung Tribe

13 Why? Some say it was to keep them from leaving and marrying outside the tribe Keep them from being taken as slaves Tradition/Tourism How is it done? It is actually a spiral not rings Started when they are young it is actually changed as their necks get longer They do not stretch the neck but instead push down the rib cage


15 Mursi

16 Henna Body Art

17 What are some examples of this behavior in our culture?


19 Today’s Fashions

20 Lip Rings

21 Eyebrow and Tongue Rings

22 Nose Rings


24 Other Rings

25 Corset Piercing

26 Corsets

27 Tattoos

28 And Others

29 What will they say about our fashions in fifty years?

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