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SESA Mini Grant Ms. Klima 6 th Grade Lima North Middle School National Geographic.

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1 SESA Mini Grant Ms. Klima 6 th Grade Lima North Middle School National Geographic

2 Non-fiction Reading  As we are moving into the Common Core adoption, non-fiction reading in the reading classroom is becoming more and more prevalent. The National Geographic is a reliable source to use in the classroom as that non-fiction piece.

3 Main Idea and Details  Students worked with non-fiction text to find main idea and detail using headings and subheading.

4 Finding Text Evidence  The common core also requires students to support their answers with text evidence. The essential questions included in the National Geographic's lend themselves perfectly to this activity.

5 Student Engagement  Because National Geographic's cover topics of student interest, it is easy to keep them engaged. Students love learning about strange animals, places, and occurrences.

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