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NAE Vowels--Part 2 Study guide #12: Name 4 factors that increase the length of vowels. Exemplify.

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Presentation on theme: "NAE Vowels--Part 2 Study guide #12: Name 4 factors that increase the length of vowels. Exemplify."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAE Vowels--Part 2 Study guide #12: Name 4 factors that increase the length of vowels. Exemplify.

2 Environmental effects on Vs Vowels are longer if... 1)the V is tense, not lax. 2)the V is syllable final. 3)the following C is voiced.

3 Environmental effects on Vs Vowels are longer if... 4)the following C is a sonorant (nasal or approximant; not an obstruent [stop, fricative, affricate] or a glide.

4 Vowel length Longer Shorter hillhidhit bellbedbet bullcouldcook bee, beerbeadbeat go, goalgoadgoat boy, boilvoid voice

5 Study guide #13 Describe how /r/-coloring causes vowel phoneme groups to merge. Why is this?

6 /r/-coloring “Rhotic varieties” of English have a syllable-final /r/ after vowels. V anticipates articulation of /r/; often alters V a lot (i.e., it’s rhoticized) A type of assimilation, positional variation

7 /r/-coloring /ə/ /ər/

8 /r/-less & /r/-colored Vs (Table 4.5, p. 128)

9 /r/-coloring /r/-coloring merges the distinction between /eyr, ɛr, ær/ as in Mary, merry, & marry How would these words be pronounced in an “r-less dialect”?

10 Study guide #14 Offer 3 strategies for teaching the pronunciation of /r/-colored vowels to struggling ELLs. ( /ə/ insertion) 2 more ideas in Lane, pp. 195-196

11 /r/-coloring Often /r/-colored Vs sound like the initial vowel + /ər/ Care /kɛr/ sounds like /kɛər/ Teaching the V + /ər/ is very helpful to students.

12 /r/-coloring examples Hire = high +er; /hayər/ Flower = flou + er; /flawər/ Store = stow + er; /stoər/ (for glides + /r/ in same syllable, I drop the second part of the glide)

13 Study guide #15 Exemplify the effect of /l/-coloring on vowels. ( /ə/ insertion) See also Lane, p. 195

14 /l/-coloring Similar effect as /r/, but not as much [ɫ] pulls vowels to a more central location; especially front vowels Compare see & seal, say & sale

15 /l/-coloring But does not neutralize the distinction between lax & tense vowels Examples: seal & sill, sale & sell

16 More on study guide #15 Exemplify CMBG’s recommended representation of /l/ -coloring in transcription. ( /ə/ insertion) List pedagogical techniques for helping students articulate /r/- & /l/-colored vowels.

17 /l/-coloring CMBG again insert schwa between V and [ɫ] for teaching For example, seal = /siəl/, tool = /tu w əl/, boil = /bo y əl/ Why the /y/ in boil?

18 /l/-coloring When teaching syllable-final -rl, CMBG start with 2-syllable words For example, curly, then curl; twirling, then twirl; girly, then girl Problem? light vs. dark /l/

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