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CETLs their Impact and Potential Legacy for the Delivery of Higher Level Skills Dr Pauline Armsby Westminster Exchange University of Westminster.

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Presentation on theme: "CETLs their Impact and Potential Legacy for the Delivery of Higher Level Skills Dr Pauline Armsby Westminster Exchange University of Westminster."— Presentation transcript:

1 CETLs their Impact and Potential Legacy for the Delivery of Higher Level Skills Dr Pauline Armsby Westminster Exchange University of Westminster

2 Introduction –WBL practitioner in HE; research –Middlesex- CE Work Based Learning –Westminster – CE Professional Learning from the Workplace

3 Plan –Higher Education, Skills and WBL –CETLs impact on: –Universities- changing them –Organisations- the workplace as a site of learning –Individuals- employability –Authors’ focus group –Overall legacy and ways forward

4 Higher Education, Skills and Work Based Learning Special Edition Editor Vol 1 (3) The Impact of CETLs on the Development of WRL in the UK –Total number of WRL CETLs is 22/83; contacted 10; 5 responded immediately. –A case study approach to –illustrate significant achievements –provide a bank of ideas –13 cases presented

5 The papers Carpentier, V. et al Ins of Education Laughton,D Sheffield Hallam Jackon, N Surrey Coldham, S Westminster Workman, B et al Middlesex Work-Learn-Educate: the WLE Cof E conceptualisation of WBL CETL for Employability: Identifying and Evaluating Institutional Impact. Recognising a More Complete Educ through a Lifewide Learning Award. CETL for Professional Learning from the Workplace: Using Activity Theory to facilitate curriculum development. CETL for WBL: Enhancing Innovation and Creativity in Teaching and Learning

6 …. delivery of higher level skills Experimentation and development through the CETL programme: connections between education, learning and working Murray Saunders Learning and work connection, creating new knowledge through cycles of practice- ‘practice moved to centre stage’ Boundary crossing between education, learning and work.

7 …. delivery of higher level skills -What is ‘an education’? -Universities as knowledge providers or to legitimise knowledge production. ‘Hearts and minds won with ‘carrots, sticks, sermons and partnerships’ Saunders

8 Universities- changing them Sheffield Hallam University -Venture Matrix (micro level) -Building employability into whole BS curriculum (meso level) -establishing employability a key university value (the macro level) University of Westminster -Multilingua -Law office -Westphoto Middlesex University - Doctorate in Professional Studies by Public Works

9 Universities- changing them ‘a key (moral) purpose of higher education is preparing students to be functionally mature individuals so they can succeed in their chosen careers’ Laughton ‘bringing about change on any significant scale is difficult, messy and full of contest, conflict, avoidance and non-engagement’. Jackson

10 Organisations- the workplace as a site of learning Institute of Education. –Putting knowledge to work –London mobile learning group –Researching medical learning University of Surrey -Lifewide Learning

11 Organisations- the workplace as a site of learning ‘workplaces needs to be more involved, not just as sites of investigation for academics to derive knowledge and theory about what constitutes appropriate learning and teaching, but as stakeholders in the joint endeavour of defining what an ‘education’ is. Armsby

12 Individuals- employability Middlesex University –Social networking –Reflective learning University of Westminster - Multilingua -Law office -Westphoto Sheffield Hallam University. –Venture matrix

13 Authors focus group Achievements -Innovation -Recognition Disappointments -Wasted time -Management issues -Lack of tangible outcomes Butcher et al (2011) Review of good practice in employability and enterprise development by CETLs

14 Authors focus group: effects, the university, the workplace and learners –Staff development –Lasting impact and patchy development –Workplace involvement –Opportunities to develop employability

15 Overall legacy –Changing the university –The workplace as a site of learning and how this connects to the university –Employability; preparing students for the world of work.

16 Overall legacy ‘impact on institutional strategy and senior management awareness…curriculum development and assessment…methods and materials…..employability and enterprise have been embedded in mainstream teaching and learning’. Butcher et al (2011)

17 Ways forward –In depth research on WRL and pedagogy –Change management –Different approaches in different types of Universities? –Sustained funding from government –Strategies for working with organisations: crossing boundaries

18 Thank you. Questions

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