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The Troubles in Northern Ireland

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1 The Troubles in Northern Ireland
Modern World History : Coursework

2 Background For centuries history of trouble between the English and the Irish From 1800 Ireland under direct rule from Westminster Throughout 19th century Catholics fighting for independence

3 The Easter Rising, 1916 By 1900 many nationalists wanted Home Rule
In 1916 rebellion organised to make Ireland completely free A number of rebels were hanged This turned many Irish people against the British government

4 War between the IRA and the UK
More violence followed The ‘Black and Tans’ fought the IRA Both sides carried out horrible killings By 1921 both sides were ready for peace

5 Partition,1921 Government of Ireland Act, 1920 aimed to restore peace
Ireland to be split temporarily into 2 countries Each to have Home Rule but to be separate Council of Ireland would be set up to work out how to re-unite the 2 countries

6 Two countries Following partition the 6 northern counties of Ulster became Northern Ireland The remaining 26 counties formed The Irish Free State The Unionists in the North were not entirely happy but accepted partition Many Nationalists wanted to fight on

7 What did Partition mean to the 2 sides?
For the Unionists it was a chance to increase Protestant control in the North By altering political boundaries Unionists ensured they would always be in charge Protestants would be favoured Catholics were thought of as the enemy and were treated as second class citizens

8 What did Partition mean to the 2 sides?
For the Nationalists in the North it meant oppression by the Protestants They were excluded from anything to do with running the country Jobs and new houses were given out depending on your religion For many the struggle to unite Ireland went on

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