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How to use an EGTC to manage a programme Pat Colgan Chief Executive Special EU Programmes Body Ireland/Northern Ireland.

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Presentation on theme: "How to use an EGTC to manage a programme Pat Colgan Chief Executive Special EU Programmes Body Ireland/Northern Ireland."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to use an EGTC to manage a programme Pat Colgan Chief Executive Special EU Programmes Body Ireland/Northern Ireland

2 What is the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) Not an EGTC A public body created as a result of a treaty between two Member States - the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement A statutory body incorporated by joint legislation by two Member States - The British and Irish Government Act 1999 A Managing Authority, Joint Technical Secretariat and Paying Authority for EU Programmes in Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland and parts of the west coast of Scotland Has a broad role to support North/South participation in INTERREG IVB and IVC Transnational and Inter-regional programmes

3 Population 2.1 million Size 25,691 sq km All 6 northern counties and the 6 border counties of Ireland PEACE II and INTERREG IIIA Programmes 2000-2006

4 INTERREG IVA includes Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland and parts of the west coast of Scotland PEACE III Includes Northern Ireland and Border Region of Ireland PEACE III and INTERREG IVA Programmes 2007-2013

5 A local solution! Need to address the legacy of the conflict in the region

6 A local solution! Reconciliation between divided communities on both sides of the border

7 Overcome Border problems – social, economic and environmental Cross border networks Economic development Infrastructure development Civic and community networking A local solution!

8 Programme Management PEACE II 2000-2006 EURO 962 million 56 Implementing Bodies 2 jurisdictions 8 Paying Authorities 15 Government departments 50+ membership of Monitoring Committee 7,000+ projects funded INTERREG IIIA 2000-2006 EURO 182 million 22 Implementing Bodies 2 jurisdictions 1 Paying Authority 12 Government departments 25 membership of Monitoring Committee 300+ projects funded

9 Partnership approach at all levels – –North South Ministerial Council –Sponsor Departments –Monitoring Committees / Steering Committees –Implementing Bodies –Projects Prominent role for Local Authority Cross Border Partnerships Prominent role for community and voluntary sector, particularly in Peace Programmes Programme Management


11 Independence of single cross-border Managing Authority (SEUPB) Staff recruited from both jurisdictions, offices in three locations throughout the region Two Department of Finance act as Sponsor Departments Single cross-border Joint Technical Secretariat Steering Committee to scrutinise and investigate if projects were truly cross-border Multi-lateral meetings to develop networking and partnerships Programme Management

12 Focus on IT All applications through central website at Central database Central Payment Unit Programme Management

13 Major emphasis on governance / accountability and financial management Guidance and training Interpreting regulations Weekly monitoring of spend Programme Management

14 Simplification of process Service standards Simple application form Guides to monitoring and finance Programme Management

15 CEO Joint Technical Secretariat Directorate Managing Authority Directorate Corporate Services Directorate Audit Committee Financial Control Unit Programme Support Unit Programme Finance Unit Certifying Authority  Controller - verifying legality and regularity of expenditure  Pre- contracting checks  Administrat ive verifications of each claim  On the spot verifications  Project pipeline  Project assessment  Secretariat to Steering Committee  Issuing contracts  Project Monitoring  Payments to projects  Programme cash flow management (interface with accountable depts)  N+2 monitoring  Certify expenditure and submit to commission  Receive monies from commission  Maintain computerised accounts records  Maintain register of recoverables  V erify expenditure (sample)  Test control systems  Audit strategy  Annual Audit report  Issuing opinion  Closure Audit Authority  Ensure compliance with regulations  Maintain database  Programme evaluation and monitoring  Secretariat to Monitoring Committee  Annual and final reports  Publicity  Prepare claims for Certifying Authority Organisational Structure of SEUPB 2007-2013

16 Challenges: Legislation Currency Staffing policies (salaries, expenses, taxation, pensions) Difficulties for ‘frontier workers’ Diversity of administrative cultures The cost of inclusion Major added value! Programme Management

17 How to use an EGTC to manage a programme Pat Colgan Chief Executive Special EU Programmes Body Ireland/Northern Ireland

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