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Renewable energy By frank Vazquez. Biofuels Biofuels is fuel that is made from different substances, like corn could be one. Biofuels is just less pollution.

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Presentation on theme: "Renewable energy By frank Vazquez. Biofuels Biofuels is fuel that is made from different substances, like corn could be one. Biofuels is just less pollution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renewable energy By frank Vazquez

2 Biofuels Biofuels is fuel that is made from different substances, like corn could be one. Biofuels is just less pollution fuel that can still be used for any type of motor vehicle. This helps out the environment with putting less pollution In the atmosphere.

3 How and why its used The Biofuels is used to reduce the pollution that cars use with regular fuel. This fuel is better for the environment due to less pollution from the exhaust tips. This fuel can be used in any type of car and if you got a large truck they even got biodiesel.

4 Government solution The government is trying to reduce pollution in cars so that it wont be effecting the environment or human beings. Pollution from motor vehicles is one of the most deadliest things that is effect all life on earth. In some places you can even see the pollution from it being so bad. That is why the government is having Biofuels made so that it can reduce pollution I the u.s for now.

5 nuclear energy

6 Nuclear energy Nuclear energy is a really dangerous energy to use. It can cause a really bad explosion for just the wrong movement. The government is trying to find a way to control it but there doesn’t really seem to be a solution. They already have nuclear powered cars but they cant be used in case of an accident.

7 Why its dangerous Nuclear energy is dangerous for a lot of reasons. One is because its very unstable. Another reason is because if ignited it can probly take out an entire city just from one car. It would be a disaster waiting to happen if they were legal on the streets.

8 Nuclear powered car They have been successful with making a nuclear power car. This car may look really cool but yet can be the cause of wiping out an entire city.

9 What are the benefits? With nuclear power there really are no benefits due to its unstableness. This energy is very powerful and we could do so much with it if only we knew how to control it safely. The way we know how to control it is when its put into things like the nuclear powered car and bombs.

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