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Presentation on theme: "GEOLOGY MIDTERM REVIEW HEMATITE Red streak Metal Heavy."— Presentation transcript:



3 HEMATITE Red streak Metal Heavy

4 magnetite Magnetic Heavy Metallic Black streak

5 plagioclase Scratches glass White 2 directional cleavage

6 Olivine Green- always Hard Crystalizes at highest temp. –First to form from a melt

7 gypsum Soft 1-2 Clear= selenite Opaque= alabaster Chalky feel

8 pyrite Fool’s gold Metal

9 halite Salty 3= 90 cleavage soft

10 galena 3= 90 cleavage Metal heavy

11 hornblende Black- always Hard- 5-6 Two directional cleavage

12 talc Softest mineral Greasier feel than gypsum

13 calcite Fizzes 3 ≠ 90 cleavage Double refraction Soft Main mineral in limestone and marble

14 K-feldspar Pink Scratches glass 2= 90 cleavage

15 muscovite Flakey- 1 directional cleavage Light in color

16 corundum Extremely hard= 9 May have hexagonal crystals Red= ruby Blue= sapphire

17 quartz Most common mineral Scratches glass NMV Hexagonal crystals Rock crystal- tpt All others- tlt

18 fluorite Soft Many colors; purple and green 4 directional cleavage

19 graphite Pencil “lead” Soft metal

20 biotite Dark color One directional cleavage Part of the mica family

21 chalcopyrite “bronzier” than pyrite –More of an orange color Contains copper Black streak


23 GRANITE Intrusive igneous Cooled slowly Felsic Has quartz, plag., biotite, K-feld, hornblende Formed underground (dikes, sills, batholiths)

24 Andesite Extrusive intermediate Usually porphyritic Composite volcanoes

25 pumice Felsic Extrusive Composite volcanoes vesicular

26 basalt Extrusive Mafic Shield volcanoes From runny lava flows Pahoehoe and Aa are types of basalt

27 gabbro “black granite” Intrusive Mafic Formed underground (dikes, sills, batholiths) Granite’s mafic cousin

28 scoria Vesicular Mafic From cinder volcanoes Pumice’s “mafic cousin”

29 obsidian Felsic (even though dark) 99% quartz Conchodial fracture Cools on top of felsic lava flow

30 periodotite Mafic intrusive\ Contains olivine

31 rhyolite Felsic Composite lava flows


33 Crystalline limestone Fizzes Chemical precipitate Forms in deep ocean From dissolved shells fossiliferous

34 Rock gypsum Evaporite soft

35 shale Fine clastic From mud

36 sandstone Gritty From beach/desert clastic

37 coal Bioclastic From swamps Organic lightweight

38 chalk Soft Bioclastic (forminifera) fizzes

39 arkose High in K-feldspar Sandstone clastic

40 coquina Bioclastic Made of shells Forms near reefs

41 Conglomerate Fast moving river Breccia Alluvial fan

42 flintChert

43 Metamorphic

44 slate Metamorphosed shale Foliated Parent rock: shale

45 Gneiss Banded (striped) Foliated Parent rock- granite

46 marble Can be many colors Metamorphosed limestone Not foliated Will fizz (calcite)

47 Quartzite Metamorphosed sandstone Non foliated Will scratch glass Any color

48 Schist Foliated Highly reflective May have garnets

49 metaconglomerate


51 Solution Mining


53 Silicate structures why common?


55 1 carat=.2 grams 50 cts= grams 25 grams= carats



58 Geodes Form from precipitation of quartz in a hollow opening

59 Gold % Divide by 24 (pure gold)

60 Rock cycle



63 viscosity Rhyolite High viscosity (thick) Explosive eruption Basalt Low viscosity (runny) Quiet eruptions

64 lithification Precipitation Evaporation Cementation compaction

65 oxidation

66 dissolution Usually limestone Acid rain Forms caves/sinkholes

67 caves

68 CLIMATE TROPICAL –Strong chemical DESERT –Slight mechanical POLAR –Slight mechanical MID LATITUDE (MI) –Strong chemical and mechanical

69 TYPES OF SOIL Sandy- drains fast Clayey- absorbs water; doesn’t let water pass through; poor for house foundations Loamy- best for plants


71 transgression Rise in sea level regression Drop in sea level

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