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Joint European Master‘s Programme European Studies Universities of Amsterdam, Brussels(VUB) Copenhagen, Vienna.

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1 Joint European Master‘s Programme European Studies Universities of Amsterdam, Brussels(VUB) Copenhagen, Vienna

2 JEMPES 1st Draft in May 2004 Memorandum elaborated by Amsterdam university  Programme should be be anchored in the humanities  Emphasis on Europe as a cultural-historical and multicultural space

3 JEMPES 1st Draft in May 2004 JEMPES should draw on the participating universities‘ specific strengths Amsterdam  general and theoretical, comparativce surveys of multinationality and national identity Brussels  Belgian experience as a „new state“ and as a „neutral zone“ in Europe Copenhagen  focus in the field of Baltic studies and nation formation in Scandinavia Vienna  focus on Mitteleuropa and mutlinational disintegration of Habsburg Empire

4 Problem 1 Diversity of existing Programmes Amsterdam  Dep. of European Studies since 1980ies (1. cultural/historical focus; 2. political and economic focus) Brussels  focus on economic, political and legal aspects Copenhagen  focus on political and social aspects Vienna  multidisciplinary focus combining legal, economic, political, social, cultural, linguistic and historical aspects

5 Problem 2 Differences between universities‘ programming infrastructure  Access to studies‘ programmes  Accreditation  Tuition fees Faculties‘ study programming

6 Agreement Joint two years master programme  Programme should not be too widely divergent nor too closely similar  Elaboration of common standards (60 ECTS) in all partner universites for the 1st year meeting interdisciplinary requirements (Viennese model)  Students spend 3rd semester at one host university – thesis may be written either at the host or home university co-supervised by staff from both  Start in 2005/06

7 Structure  Opening of the programme with a joint masterclass  involving students from all universities  giving a common foundation  lasting one week  Conclusion with a „Thesis valorisation“ workshop“  Conferral ceremony

8 Organisation JEMPES is to involve a joint examining board with representatives from all participating universities JEMPES should be tuition based (standardised regime) JEMPES is to be an accredited MA course

9 Open questions Problem of the thematic profile of the programme ? Question if financially self-supporting or woven into the regular faculties curricula ? Degree to be conferred by one specific or by two universities ? Access to studies‘ programmes ? Accreditation ? Tuition fees ? Financing of JEMPES ? Start in 2005/06 ?

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