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Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic Rocks Igneous Rocks Magma The Rock Cycle.

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Presentation on theme: "Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic Rocks Igneous Rocks Magma The Rock Cycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic Rocks Igneous Rocks Magma The Rock Cycle

2 Dartmoor What is the local Geology and how does it affect the landscape?

3 How has granite affected both the physical and human landscape of Dartmoor? Your task is to investigate the Granite landscape of Dartmoor to answer this key question. You can write this up as a guide for people visiting the granite areas. May people have not seen such rugged and dramatic scenery before and they will need your guide to make sense of the landscape.

4 Physical landscape You will need to write a series of sections showing how the granite has affected the physical landscape. These should include, Tors Batholiths Weather and Climate Vegetation and soil types Human landscape You must now write a series of sections clearly showing how granite has also affected the human landscape. The sections will include: Evidence of granite quarrying. Describe the type of farming now found on the moor and how granite controls what is farmed. An account of the tourist industry, which is the main land use today, and how it is linked to the granite.

5 What type of weather would you expect up here and why? What is the soil and vegetation like and why?

6 What is this dominant feature called? How is it formed?

7 Why has granite been used as a building material? Do you know that there is a local quarry at Coverack Bridges just 2km away fron school?

8 What is this feature? Why do we get tin mines on the edge of granite areas? What type of farming do we get here? Explain why.

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