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Beowulf “It’s all Old English to me”. The Basics Epic poem Third person omniscient Pagan story told by Christian writer Set in Scandinavia (land of Geats)

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Presentation on theme: "Beowulf “It’s all Old English to me”. The Basics Epic poem Third person omniscient Pagan story told by Christian writer Set in Scandinavia (land of Geats)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Beowulf “It’s all Old English to me”

2 The Basics Epic poem Third person omniscient Pagan story told by Christian writer Set in Scandinavia (land of Geats) and Denmark Composed orally between the Seventh and Tenth century ACE.

3 The Historical Reminders Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons, and Jutes) settled in England as early as 400 ACE. Much conflict happened between tribes. Out of 7 original kingdoms, only 1 (Wessex) survived the Viking (Danes) raids. Christianity began as early 597 ACE through the work of Augustine of Canterbury.

4 Who’s Who? Geats? The Germanic people of Scandinavia that had been conquered by the Swedes (500s ACE) Danes: people from Denmark Swedes: Swedish people Jutes: tribes from Denmark and northern Germany; conquerors of most of England Frisians: from Friesland (north Netherlands) Scandinavians: from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

5 Writing Devices Alliteration, Metaphor, Simile, Symbolism Allusions (ex. Cain) Caesura – a pause or break in the meter or rhythm of a line of verse Epic – long poem that relates exploits of a hero Foil – characters that through contrast emphasize of enhance one another Kenning – figurative (usually metaphorical) compound expression used as a name or noun (sail-road; bone-cage)

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