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B EFORE E XPLORATION. N EW F ORM OF T HINKING Philosophers: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle-live based on reason. Democracy is practiced in a limited form.

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Presentation on theme: "B EFORE E XPLORATION. N EW F ORM OF T HINKING Philosophers: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle-live based on reason. Democracy is practiced in a limited form."— Presentation transcript:


2 N EW F ORM OF T HINKING Philosophers: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle-live based on reason. Democracy is practiced in a limited form A major republic is founded. Law are written and kept on display Ancient GreeceRoman Empire

3 D EMOCRACY V. R EPUBLICANISM Everyone get one vote on each issue Ideas debated amongst citizens Citizens vote for a representative Representatives debate and vote on political issues. DemocracyRepublicanism

4 F EUDAL S YSTEM Lord gave land to knights Knights promised military aide Knights allowed people to farm their land People paid a tax to the knights

5 T RADE Trade increased largely because of the Crusade. Traded goods, people, and ideas. Rats were traded brining the Black Death (estimated death toll is 25 mil) Shortage of workers=workers could demand more New Middle Class emerged

6 R ENAISSANCE Began in Italy Fortification brought safety Rediscovered : “lost” texts: Greek and Roman Put a value on being human Gutenberg invented the printing press

7 E CONOMY Mercantilism- Government run trading system Development of major trading ports (Italy.) Banks emerged help merchants Joint-stock companies formed Combination of merchants invest in a company.

8 V IKINGS Came from the Scandinavia Were raiders throughout all of Europe 1000AD Leif Eriksson landed on the Labrador peninsula Sail south to Newfoundland Created a short lived community

9 A DVANCEMENT IN NAVIGATION Prince Henry organized the exploration world Built observatory School of Navigation Financed research Paid people to explore Africa

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