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Uzbek and UK schooling: concepts of education and morals Rakhmatova M.M 13/12/2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Uzbek and UK schooling: concepts of education and morals Rakhmatova M.M 13/12/2014."— Presentation transcript:


2 Uzbek and UK schooling: concepts of education and morals Rakhmatova M.M 13/12/2014

3 1.Is education confined only in the classrooms? 2.What is an educational process?

4 Educated man Warm up Why do we admire an educated man? Is this man different from that who is not educated? How is education recognized in the world in our century?

5 Note taking : Nursery schools Task 2 Let’s compare Nursery school age in the UK Nursery age in my count

6 Primary schooling Schools ages Schools Age of children Compulsory Infant Junior Middle 5578-14

7 Secondary schools in the UK 84% State Compre hensive schools 7 % independent fee payingpublicscoolsindependent fee% 3 % Grammar schools 6% Secondary modern schools 5% Middle Schools

8 1 A. Make collocations. More than one combination may be possible Tuition ______________ Compulsory_________________ Academic___________________ Undergraduate_________________ Foundation_______________________ Degree_____________________________ Reading____________________ First______________________ Certificate, fees, course, assignment, education, subject, degree, semester, term

9 Tuition fees Compulsory education\subject Academic subject Undergraduate degree Foundation course Degree certificate/course/subject Reading assignment First term/semester/degree

10 Listen then answer the questions 1.What are the two levels of course you can study at university? 2.What is the highest degree result you can achieve? 3.What pressures are placed on students today? With a partner, compare universities in the UK with the universities in your country.


12 Moral education : Self esteem, community service, civic education, value education Judgments of value: Morally bad/good,right/wrong Moral indignity Morally reprehensible Morally unobjectionable Rational man Standards of valuation

13 Faithfulness to virtue, Goodness, purity, truthfulness, humility, modesty, righteousness. What does moral education start with? What am I becoming? Is this the best I can be? How can Iharness all the available resourses to help me to be come what I want to become

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