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Steve Wheeler University of Plymouth, UK Self Organisation and the Management of Virtual Student Learning cc Steve.

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Wheeler University of Plymouth, UK Self Organisation and the Management of Virtual Student Learning cc Steve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Wheeler University of Plymouth, UK Self Organisation and the Management of Virtual Student Learning cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

2 In this presentation... What is self organised learning? Self organised and personalised learning Creating spaces for self organised learning Personal learning environments (PLEs) Conclusions cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

3 What is self organised learning? cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

4 We cannot ‘manage’ self-organised learning for our students. We can only create conducive environments within which students will organise their own learning. Self organised learning cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

5 Formal and Informal learning Formal Learning Informal Learning cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

6 Self organised learning Formal Learning Informal Learning Self Organised Learning In SOL students take responsibility for their own learning and put this into successful action. Source: cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009


8 Informal learning “Informal learning should no longer be regarded as an inferior form of learning whose main purpose is to act as the precursor of formal learning; it needs to be seen as fundamental, necessary and valuable in its own right, at times directly relevant to employment and at other times not relevant at all”. (Coffield 2000: 8) cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

9 “Too much schooling kills off a desire to learn.... Schools and universities should become more like hubs of learning, within the community, capable of extending into the community...” “More learning needs to be done at home, in offices and kitchens, in the contexts where knowledge is deployed to solve problems and add value to people's lives”. (Leadbeater 2000: 111-112) Informal learning cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

10 Is self organised learning personalised learning? cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

11 Self organised learning In self organised learning... “...the autonomous or self-organised learner [is] able to ‘learn how to learn’ and possesses a disposition to do so. Such a learner can analyse his/her own learning strategies and outcomes as well as support the learning of others. S/he also knows how to make an effective contribution to and benefit from the processes of teamwork and working with others.” (West-Burnham & Coates, 2005)

12 Self organised learning In self organised learning... “...the autonomous or self-organised learner [is] able to ‘learn how to learn’ and possesses a disposition to do so. Such a learner can analyse his/her own learning strategies and outcomes as well as support the learning of others. S/he also knows how to make an effective contribution to and benefit from the processes of teamwork and working with others.” (West-Burnham & Coates, 2005) cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

13 Self organised learning For successful self organised learning the essential components are: Communication Reflection Collaboration Community Creative Tools Amplification cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

14 How can we create spaces for self organised learning? cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

15 Modes of learning InformalFormal Collaborative Reflective E-portfolios Essay writing Group work Co-operative learning Social networking Blogging Microblogging cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

16 Space integration Community spacePersonal space cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

17 Wiki blog integration Reflective space Collaborative space Blog Wiki Community spacePersonal space cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

18 Wiki blog integration Reflective space Collaborative space Blog Wiki Negotiation of meaning Co-construction of knowledge Community spacePersonal space Proximal Development Professional ID cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

19 Wiki blog integration Who I amWhat I know Blog Wiki Reflection Self expression (Brescia & Miller, 2006) Creative writing Critical thinking Meta cognitive processes Socio cognitive processes (Gleaves et al, 2007) Sharing/exchanging Editing/modifying (Tu et al, 2008) cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

20 What can personal learning environments do? cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

21 DevicesInterfaceTools My Personal Learning Environment i cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

22 DevicesInterfaceTools My Personal Learning Environment Document search Image search Scholar Google Books i Search for reading materials Web cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

23 DevicesInterfaceTools My Personal Learning Environment Reflective blog post and amplification i cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

24 DevicesInterfaceTools My Personal Learning Environment © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009 Image sharing and amplification i


26 Personal Learning Environment Blog LMS Social Network External Services Web 2.0 E-Portfolio Aggregator Adapted from David Delgado, 2007 Personal Learning Environment Model cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

27 Personal Learning Environment Blog LMS Social Network External Services Web 2.0 E-Portfolio Aggregator Personal Learning Environment Model Self organised Institutionally managed Adapted from David Delgado, 2007 cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

28 Conclusions... Self organised learners do not need management, they need facilitation Personalised learning is vital Appropriate tools are required Creativity, reflexivity and collaboration should be encouraged Amplification of content necessary Community is essential cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

29 Steve Wheeler Faculty of Education, University of Plymouth, UK Steve Wheeler Faculty of Education, University of Plymouth, UK Thank You cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

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