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Early American Multimedia Thematic Unit: Lesson 1 Heather R. Craddock December 19, 2005.

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2 Early American Multimedia Thematic Unit: Lesson 1 Heather R. Craddock December 19, 2005

3 Objective  After our class discussion of the early American tribes:  Choose a classmate, and complete the buddy review  Create a graphic organizer illustrating shelters, locations, clothing, food and interesting facts about each tribe.  Use cognitive recall to complete your graphic organizer.  Obtain at least 85% accuracy on your final production of an Early American graphic organizer.

4 Introduction  Early American Tribes  Inuit  Sioux  Pueblo  Iroquois  Kwakiutl

5 Inuit  Location  Alaska and Canada  Shelter  Igloos  Tents  Sod & stone houses  Food  Fish  Caribou  Seal  Walrus  Whales  Polar bear  Clothing  Animal skins  Fur

6 Sioux  Location  Interior of the US  Great Plains  Great lakes states  Shelter  Teepees – Nomadic society  Food  Buffalo-centered culture  Clothing  Buffalo skins  Deer skins

7 Pueblo  Location  Northeast Arizona  Northwest New Mexico  Southern Colorado & Utah  Along the Rio Grande River in New Mexico  Shelter  Pueblos (town)  Stone or Adobe Apartment- like dwellings  Food  Skilled desert farmers  Corn  Beans  Squash  Pumpkin  Cotton  Domesticated turkey

8 Pueblo  Food Continued…  Hunters  Antelope  Deer  Rabbit  Some Bison  Clothing  Cotton  Some animal skins  Interesting Facts/Traditions  Traditions  Pottery  Basketweaving  Interesting facts  Ascended from Anasazi  Includes the Hopi, Zuni, Acoma & Lajuna

9 Iroquois  Location  Eastern Woodlands  Upper New York State  Western Massachusetts  Connecticut  Shelter  Longhouses  Villages – Wooden Palisades  Food  Corn  Beans  Squash  Deer  Fish  Clothing  Skins & Furs  Plant & Tree fibers  Interesting Facts/Traditions  Noted Warriors  Dominated first 200 years of history  Most Iroquois tribes allied with British during French-Indian War

10 Kwakiutl  Location  Pacific Northwest Coast  Washington to Alaska  Rainy, Mild climate  Shelter  Wood  Plank  Cedar bark  Food  Fish  Deer  Moose  Seaweed  Shellfish  Berries

11 Kwakiutl  Clothing  Fur  Cedar bark  Wood  Traditions  Totem poles  Potlatch

12 Across 2. In what type of shelter did the Inuit live? 5. What tradition did the Kwakiutl use to tell their family history? 8. Which tribe ascended from the Anasazi? 9. Which tribe lived in the Alaska and Canada? 10. Which tribe dominated the first 200 years? 11. What did the Pueblo use to build their shelters? 12. What was the shelter for the Iroquois called? Down 1. What did the Pueblo use to make clothing? 3. Where did the Sioux live? 4. Which tribe was buffalo-centered? 5. What did the Sioux use for shelters? 6. Which tribe used cedar bark for clothing? 7. What is one of the Pueblo traditions? 8. What is the name of the Kwakiutl celebration? Early American Buddy Review

13 Graphic Organizer Example Early American Tribes InuitSiouxPuebloIroquoisKwakiutl Be sure to include location, clothing, food, shelter and one interesting fact for EACH tribe.

14 Rubric CATEGORY 4321 OrganizationInformation is very organized with well- constructed headings and subheadings. Information is organized with well- constructed headings. Information is organized, but headings are not well- constructed. The information appears to be disorganized. 8) Amount of InformationAll topics are addressed and all topics answered with at least 5 entries about each. All topics are addressed and most topics answered with at least 5 entries about each. All topics are addressed, and most topics answered with 2 entries about each. One or more topics were not addressed. Quality of InformationInformation clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples. Information clearly relates to the main topic. It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples. Information clearly relates to the main topic. No details and/or examples are given. Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic. Graphic OrganizerGraphic organizer or outline has been completed and shows clear, logical relationships between all topics and subtopics. Graphic organizer or outline has been completed and shows clear, logical relationships between most topics and subtopics. Graphic organizer or outline has been started and includes some topics and subtopics. Graphic organizer or outline has not been attempted. SourcesAll sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented in the desired format. All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but a few are not in the desired format. All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but many are not in the desired format. Some sources are not accurately documented. MechanicsNo grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.

15 Questions

16   Kidspiration  Microsoft Power Point   rican_music/music_10.htm rican_music/music_10.htm rican_music/music_10.htmCredits

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