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4 TH GRADE KNOX GIFTED ACADEMY CURRICULUM NIGHT Kristy Braaksma Shaun Brown Stephanie Smythe.

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Presentation on theme: "4 TH GRADE KNOX GIFTED ACADEMY CURRICULUM NIGHT Kristy Braaksma Shaun Brown Stephanie Smythe."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 TH GRADE KNOX GIFTED ACADEMY CURRICULUM NIGHT Kristy Braaksma Shaun Brown Stephanie Smythe

2 WHAT IS KGA? STEAM Differentiated Higher-Level Thinking Appropriate Pacing Problem Solving Project/Problem-Based Interdisciplinary Student Choice Research-Based

3 PARENT COMMUNICATION Teacher Website Facebook page Take Home Folders Weekly Newsletters  Go home every Wednesday  Parent signature required E-mail is the preferred method of contact

4 EXPECTATIONS Positive Reinforcement  Franklin Covey 7 Habits  Classroom Incentives  Character Counts  Caught in the Act Consequences  School-Wide Discipline plan (Verbal Warning, 30 minute After-School Detention, ISS)  Loss of Class Privileges  Conference with Parents  Institute a Student-Created Proactive Behavior Plan

5 HOMEWORK POLICY It is our philosophy that homework is meaningful and it is necessary to reinforce concepts and extend thinking. Homework Guidelines: Expect 40 - 50 minutes a night. Students are expected to read at least 20 minutes a night. The 20 minutes of reading may be part of the 40 to 50 minutes. Students will not normally be assigned homework over the weekend, but occasionally students may want to work on projects during the weekend.

6 LATE WORK POLICY All students are expected to turn in homework COMPLETE and ON TIME. Classwork and homework assignments will be given half credit for 1 day late and no credit afterward. Missing work may result in the loss of student choice learning activities. Students may receive a homework pass to use toward late or missing assignments.

7 HOMEWORK/PROJECTS Students need access to a computer and library resources at home. Focus on organization and time management. May be responsible to complete group and individual projects at home. Designed to incorporate higher-level thinking skills, rigorous expectations, and integrate disciplines. All work requires QUALITY and EFFORT. Students may be asked to re-do assignments.

8 ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS Spelling Based on Tier 3 Domain Specific Vocabulary Writing 6 Traits of Writing Variety of writing formats/products Literature Study Including Jr. Great Books, nonfiction, informational text, and other quality literature

9 MATH Math concepts build on one another 5 th grade standards focus on fractions, decimals, percents, and volume Focus on problem solving and critical thinking skills Students will be challenged at their own level Pre-assessments Hands-on learning

10 SCIENCE Inquiry Research & Project-Based Scientific Method Lab Experiments/Notebooks Current Events 4 th : Earth’s processes & environmental conditions, weather & climate, plant & animal structures, natural resources, electricity, magnetism

11 SOCIAL STUDIES Interdisciplinary Project-based Focus on the Southwest Developing research skills 4 th : Native American tribes & cultures, Arizona history, geography, government, maps, charts, graphs, timelines

12 ART & ART MASTERPIECE Incorporated into projects & curriculum Important for creativity & spatial skill development Utilize parent volunteers through Art Masterpiece. If interested in volunteering, please contact a board member. Art Masterpiece Board: Sandy Ashbaugh, Heidi Leff, Diana Likes, and Karla Tandon

13 ORGANIZATION 3-ring notebook with 5 tabs Agenda or calendar 2 Composition notebooks (Math & Science) 2 Spiral notebooks (Writing & Journal) Pencil box with personalized supplies, including headphones & flash drive

14 ODDS & ENDS NO PEANUTS IN ANY 4 th GRADE CLASSROOM The cafeteria is open for lunch money deposits. Due to nutritional guidelines and food handling rules, the cafeteria asks that parents do not bring in homemade lunch or baked goods for the class. Healthy snack

15 ODDS & ENDS Please sign-in at the front office and receive a visitor’s badge, even to just drop something off. Please consider tax credit donations. Students can only be checked out of school by adults who are on the emergency card. Please make all after school arrangements before school. Please contact transportation with any bus questions or concerns: 812-7275


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