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Workshop learning targets:  Overview of “8 To Be Great” principles  Class activities using “8 To Be Great”  Discussion around ways to teach to kids.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop learning targets:  Overview of “8 To Be Great” principles  Class activities using “8 To Be Great”  Discussion around ways to teach to kids."— Presentation transcript:


2 Workshop learning targets:  Overview of “8 To Be Great” principles  Class activities using “8 To Be Great”  Discussion around ways to teach to kids  Develop a way to use in classroom in the next month (e.g. mini-lessons, goal setting, examples)

3 The School Cliff? Student Engagement Over Time

4 “8 To Be Great” Principles 1. Passion 2. Work 3. Focus 4. Push 5. Ideas 6. Improve 7. Serve 8. Persist bMQXQ180 bMQXQ180

5 Richard St. John Research

6 Iowa Core Universal Constructs  Collaboration  respect for a complex process that requires individuals to contribute and participate in meaningful interactions  Complex Communication  focus, energy and passion around the key message  Creativity  Divergent thinking  capturing or collecting new ideas for current or future use  Critical Thinking  analysis and synthesis of multiple sources and points of information  Flexibility and Adaptability  motivation and commitment to achieve

7 8 Keys to Success Definition/ Quote Iowa Core Universal Constructs PassionSomething that you do because you absolutely love it. Creativity WorkWork hard, but have fun doing it.Critical thinking Productivity and Accountability FocusGet really good at one thing (or one thing at a time) Productivity and Accountability Push Motivate yourself—your brain and your body Flexibility and Adaptability IdeasUse these skills:  Listen  Observe  Be curious  Ask questions  Problem solve  Make Connections Critical thinking Creativity Flexibility and Adaptability ImprovePractice, practice, practice.Productivity and Accountability ServeOthers, not yourselfCollaboration Productivity and Accountability PersistStick with it, even when you don't feel like it. Flexibility and Adaptability


9 Quickwrite How does this video relate to the “8 To Be Great” principles? wishbone-3479/

10 Can these attributes be taught? Think-Ink-Pair-Share with a partner Large group sharing Ballard ELP GIEP (Gifted Individual Education Plan): ogType=Admin ogType=Admin IDEAS: As an overview of the traits, listen to an online interview with a person you admire. Analyze what they say. Keep track of the number of times that they mention any of the "8 to be Great" principles. Write down 2-3 quotes that they say that you really like. Explain why you chose them.

11 Ideas:  As an overview of the traits, listen to an online interview with a person you admire. Analyze what they say. Keep track of the number of times that they mention any of the "8 to be Great" principles. Write down 2-3 quotes that they say that you really like. Explain why you chose them. Think of a unit or concept that you teach that requires students to use one of the “8 Traits.” Design a mini-lesson to help students develop the trait as they do their work. Ask students to describe how they feel/what they think when they are engaged in an activity that they really enjoy.

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