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1 Creativity

2 Stagner & Karwoski (1973): Creativity implies the production of totally or partially novel identity.
Spearman (1931): Creativity is the process of the human mind to create new concepts by transforming relations & thereby generating new correlations. M.J. Levin (1978): Creativity is the ability to discover new solutions to problems or to produce new ideas, inventions or work arts. Skinner (1968): creative thinking means that the predictions and/or inferences for the individual are new, original, unusual. The creative thinker is one who explores new areas and makes new observations, new predictions & new inferences.

3 As Process Stein: A process is creative when it results in a new work, that is accepted as useful or satisfying by a group at some point at a time. Torrance : Creativity is a mental process of seeing or creating most unforeseen and novel relationship between two or more things and ideas. To find things or ideas and classify/ discriminate in categories To synthesis and bring together elements in new & original ways Walls & Patrick: Four Steps Preparation: Observation made Incubation: Ideas came to mind Illumination: Emergence of Concept (Joyful moment) Verification: Evaluation

4 Nature Universal Innate as well as acquired
Produces something new or novel Adventurous Open thinking Carries ego involvement Wide scope Creativity & School Achievement are not correlated Creativity & Anxiety often go together Creativity & Sociability are negatively correlated Creativity & Intelligence Rests more on Divergent thinking than Convergent thinking Important basis in the world of imagination

5 Creative Person Originality of Ideas & Expression Sense of Adventure
Good Memory Good General Knowledge High degree of awareness and concentration An investigative & Curious nature Foresight Lack of tolerance for boredom & discomfort Ambitious nature Interest in Vague & Silly Ideas

6 Creative Person……………. Fluency of Expression
Flexibility in thought, perception & action Ability to learn Ability to transfer learning Ability to elaborate-to work out the details of an idea Absence of fear Attraction to unknown, Mysterious & Unexplained Pride in creation High Values Restless

7 Creative Person……………. Open mind with preference for complexity & incompleteness High degree of sensitivity towards problems Self-Respect Self Discipline Capacity to Daydream Ability to keep many ideas in focus in a time Preference of complex phenomenon High energy level Careless about handwriting

8 Theories of Creativity
Divine Inspiration Theory: Creativity is not universally distributed Gifted according to luck : some get large share & some denied Creativity equivalent to Insanity: Based on Historical Evidence Thinking & Behaviour of a creative person is very similar to abnormal Creativity is Inborn: A special mental power Unique Cognition ability One may born with certain capabilities

9 Theories of Creativity………
Creativity is Environmentally Acquired: Creativity is not only the result of heredity Creativity is acquired like other traits/ habits Positive/ Open environment help in developing creativity Taylor’s Level Theory: Creativity may be described as existing at five levels in a ascending hierarchy Expressive Level: Spontaneous Expression without reference to originality & quality of the product Productive Level: A person is able to produce something innovative Inventive Level: Preference of geniuses with emphasis on novel use of old things Innovative Level: A person is able to develop new ideas or principles with the help of highly developed skills Emergenative Level: Highest Level- Abstract Ideas

10 Theories of Creativity……………………….
Psychoanalytical Theory: Creativity is means & production of one’s emotions/ sublimation of emotions Most creative works of arts Portraying beautiful figures of man & women Expression of repressed sexual desires Paintings, compositions

11 Developing Creativity
Freedom to respond Opportunity for ego- involvement Removal of hesitation & fear Providing appropriate atmosphere & opportunity for creative expression Developing healthy habits Using creative recourses of community Avoidance of blocks to creative thinking Proper organization of curriculum Evaluation system

12 Developing Creativity……….
Teaching by examples Use of special techniques Brainstorming Role Playing Teaching models Gaming techniques Creating encouraging environment Encouraging divergent thinking Encouraging self trust Encouraging study of Master Pieces Rewarding Creative Achievement/ Idea

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