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© 2012179681 What is the UK like?

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1 © 2012179681 What is the UK like?

2 True or false? Which of the following statements about the UK are true and which are false? © 2012179682

3 True or false? The UK consists of a group of islands off the north-west coast of Europe. It is a unique country, consisting of five nations, namely England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. © 2012 Google © 2012179683

4 True or false? Much of the north and west of the UK is covered by high ground, knife-edged mountain ridges separated by deep valleys. This terrain was shaped during the last Ice Age, when thick glaciers covered the land. In the south of England, the countryside is mostly rolling hills. © 2012179684

5 True or false? About 60% of the land is covered in forest. © 2012179685

6 True or false? The coastline of the UK is 12,429 km long. © 2012179686

7 True or false? The British are the creation of waves of invaders and migrants, including the Celts, Romans, Anglo- Saxons, Vikings and Normans, as well as people from its former colonies in the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. © 2012179687

8 True or false? Soccer, rugby, cricket, boxing and golf were all invented in Britain. © 2012179688

9 True or false? The UK is a densely populated country. There are more than 60 million inhabitants. © 2012179689

10 True or false? The longest river is the river Thames. © 20121796810

11 True or false? The highest point is Ben Nevis in Scotland, at 1,344 m (4,409 ft). © 20121796811

12 True or false? The UK is four times smaller than Australia. © 20121796812

13 Answers The UK consists of a group of islands off the north-west coast of Europe. It is a unique country, consisting of five nations, namely England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. FALSE: It consists of four nations, namely England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. © 20121796813

14 Answers Much of the north and west of the UK is covered by high ground – knife-edged mountain ridges separated by deep valleys. This terrain was shaped during the last Ice Age, when thick glaciers covered the land. In the south of England, the countryside is mostly rolling hills. TRUE © 20121796814

15 Answers About 60% of the land is covered in forest. FALSE: About 10% of the land is covered in forest. © 20121796815

16 Answers The coastline of the UK is 12,429 km long. TRUE © 20121796816

17 Answers The British are the creation of waves of invaders and migrants, including the Celts, Romans, Anglo- Saxons, Vikings, Normans, as well as people from its former colonies in the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. TRUE © 20121796817

18 Answers Soccer, rugby, cricket, boxing and golf were all invented in Britain. TRUE © 20121796818

19 Answers The UK is a densely-populated country. There are more than 60 million inhabitants. TRUE © 20121796819

20 Answers The longest river is the river Thames. FALSE: The longest river is the Severn at 354 km (220 miles) long. It rises in Wales and flows into the Bristol Channel. © 20121796820

21 Answers The highest point is Ben Nevis in Scotland, at 1,344m (4,409 ft). TRUE © 20121796821

22 Answers The UK is four times smaller than Australia. FALSE: The UK is about thirty times smaller than Australia. © 20121796822

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