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History of English BranchesFamous Names Languages and Words Important Events Miscellane ous 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "History of English BranchesFamous Names Languages and Words Important Events Miscellane ous 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 History of English BranchesFamous Names Languages and Words Important Events Miscellane ous 10 20 30 40 50

2 Of the branches of the Indo European family, the Germanic and what other branch are of most importance?

3 The Germanic branch of the language tree split into what distinct sub- groups?

4 Name any East Germanic language that is still spoken today.

5 From which Germanic branch did Icelandic evolve?

6 Which of the following languages is not a member of the Indo European family: - Latvian - Estonian - Lithuanian - Greek

7 Who created over 2,000 English words and phrases?

8 Who brought the printing press to England?

9 He wrote the Canterbury Tales.

10 Who conquered England in 1066?

11 Beowulf, the text, survived a fire in this man’s library.

12 As a result of the Norman Conquest, what language was being forced upon the people of England?

13 What language became the official language of English courts in 1362?

14 These two languages became popular during the Renaissance, resulting in many of their words being introduced to English.

15 Please say out loud how the word “life” would have been pronounced during Chaucer’s time.

16 Most modern English grammar rules were set in what city?

17 What terrifying sickness killed a third of the English population, and helped English resist French influence?

18 What event caused the sounds of vowels to shift in sound during the early period of Modern English?

19 In what way did the printing press best help the people of England?

20 The Germanic languages began in the Elbe River region how long ago?

21 The Angles, Saxons, and Jutes began Populating the British Isles when?

22 Name two of the four major dialects of Old English.

23 What happened to the Celts when the various tribes attacked them in the fifth and sixth centuries?

24 From what tribe do we get the term “English?”

25 To what group do we owe the terms “sky” and “skin?”

26 What percentage of Old English words survive today?

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