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 The Celts came from Central Europe.  Around 500 BC, perhaps to escape wars  from their Germanic neighbours, they began to move westwards. Groups of.

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Presentation on theme: " The Celts came from Central Europe.  Around 500 BC, perhaps to escape wars  from their Germanic neighbours, they began to move westwards. Groups of."— Presentation transcript:


2  The Celts came from Central Europe.  Around 500 BC, perhaps to escape wars  from their Germanic neighbours, they began to move westwards. Groups of people settled in what are now Spain, France, Britain and Ireland.

3  The Celts in Ireland wrote on stone. This type of writing is called Ogham. There are twenty letters in the Ogham alphabet, each made of straight lines. The writing was read from the ground upwards.

4  Celtic prophecy said “That a girl called Deirdre would bring ruin on Ireland, so she was locked away in a castle, yearning for freedom and her love, the kings nephew.

5  The Celts were people that lived in Europe from the eight century BC to the first century AD. They had a common language and culture, But lived in separate tribes, each with its own leader. The Greeks called them “Keltoi”, and so we know these people as the Celts.

6  Archaeologists have made discoveries that have helped us to create images of these people.

7  The Celts did not fear fate, as they believed that death was merely a passage from this life to a happy land where everyone lived in eternal bliss.

8  The Celts celebrated 4 festivals each year. The 2 most important festivals were:  Samhain : Samhain was the Celtic New Year, Celabrated on the 1 st of November. It marked the end of the grazing season and the Summer. It was a magical time..

9  Beltane : Beltane was on the 1st of May It marked the day when cattle went into open grazing, Having been sheltered for the winter. These festivals were celebrated with banquets where there was much eating, drinking and music.

10  THE END

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