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 The rich people had nicer homes than poor.  Romans lived in flats called insula.  The top floor was worse than the bottom floor.  Rich Romans owned.

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Presentation on theme: " The rich people had nicer homes than poor.  Romans lived in flats called insula.  The top floor was worse than the bottom floor.  Rich Romans owned."— Presentation transcript:


2  The rich people had nicer homes than poor.  Romans lived in flats called insula.  The top floor was worse than the bottom floor.  Rich Romans owned a town house and a country house.  Poor people would use public bathrooms.  The rich Romans had luxurious homes that sometimes contained 20 or 30 rooms.

3  Romulus and Remus were twins.  But one day their greedy uncle took them to the River Tiber and hope they would be lost forever.  But they hit a branch and a she wolf came and got them.  A shepherd got them and kept them until they were young men. 

4  Pompeii was a place in Italy. It got covered in lava because a volcano erupted. The land was very good for growing crops. It was built right beside a volcano to grow crops The mount that erupted was called Mount Vesuvius

5  The Romans were defeated by the Celts at first because they were made up of a fake army.  Warriors had javelins, shields, pickaxe and swords.  They had sandals with nails studs.  They would carry a pole to carry luggage.  Every legion would have had six thousand legionaries.

6  Romans liked a lot of stuff for e.g. : the baths were one of the Romans favourite thing to do.  The baths were really dirty that we would find strange today.  They would exercise swim and have fun in the baths.  The other thing they would like is the Amphitheatre.  Romans liked a lot of stuff for e.g. : the baths were one of the Romans favourite thing to do.  The baths were really dirty that we would find strange today.  They would exercise swim and have fun in the baths.  The other thing they would like is the Amphitheatre.

7  Like everywhere Roman fashion would go in out.  They would wear a toga both boy and girl.  A toga was a large piece of cloth wrapped around the body and over the left shoulder.  Women would wear jewellery from head to toe.  Hairpins, earrings,necklaces,brooches,bracelets and anklets were worn.

8 The Romans had a lot of different gods and Goddesses. Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva, Ceres, Janus and Bacchus were some of the Romans gods. Four planets were named after Gods.

9  Rich Romans really liked their food.  When they have done they would go into a called the vomitarium room and make them selves sick so they could eat more.  Poor Romans did not eat the same food as the rich Romans.  Rich Romans really liked their food.  When they have done they would go into a called the vomitarium room and make them selves sick so they could eat more.  Poor Romans did not eat the same food as the rich Romans.

10  The end

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