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UNF E&G and Phased Retired Faculty: Fall Terms.

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3 UNF E&G and Phased Retired Faculty: Fall Terms

4 Faculty by Rank and Tenure Status: Fall 2001 Tenure Status Rank professor associate professor assistant professor instructor lecturertotal Tenured110987215 Tenure earning 11194106 Non- tenure earning 66496017138 Total1171151506017459


6 Full-time Faculty’s Academic Preparation Faculty received their highest degrees from 160 different institutions –including 15 international universities 96.4% of faculty at the rank of assistant professor or higher hold terminal degrees


8 Part-time Faculty Part-time faculty must meet same academic qualifications as full-time faculty In Fall 2001, 223 part-time faculty are teaching courses In Fall 2001, 454 course sections are being taught by part-time faculty compared to the over 1770 that are being offered university wide.

9 UNF Courses Taught by Part-time Faculty 1996/1997 to 1999/2000


11 UNF full-time faculty by Gender: Fall 2001

12 Full-time Faculty by Ethnic/Racial Origins White - 392 (85%)Hispanic - 15 (3.3%) Black - 32 (7%)American Indian - 4 (0.9%) Asian/Pacific Islander – 16 (3.5%)

13 Percent minority faculty: Fall Terms 1997-2001 In 1997/1998 9.4% of Ph.D.’s earned in the U.S. were awarded to U.S. minorities.

14 Faculty by Academic Rank and Age Fall 2001

15 Median Age for Faculty by Rank Fall 2001 Academic RankMedian Age Professor58.6 years Associate Professor 54.3 years Assistant Professor 40.8 years


17 Mean Salary by Rank Academic Rank UNF Fall 2000 Mean Salary Peer Institutions 2000/2001 Aspirational Institutions 2000/2001 Professor $71,691$71,417$83,600 Associate Professor $54,281$57,617$61,767 Assistant Professor $44,667$48,000$48,833


19 Faculty Scholarly Activities: 1999-2000 Published over 200 books, book chapters, and articles Made over 150 national presentations Made over 30 international presentations Submitted 143 grant proposals with over $7 million in awards

20 Faculty Contract and Grant Awards

21 Contract and Grant Proposals Submitted Academic Year Number of Proposals Submitted Number of Faculty Submitting Proposals 1997/19989758 1998/1999126 52 1999/200014377 2000/2001164 80


23 Some of UNF’s Distinguished Professors David Courtwright, Professor, History Chudley Werch, Graduate Research Professor, Health Science Charlotte Mabrey, Professor, Music


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