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“The Religious Case For Gay Marriage” (Newsweek, 12-08) A Response.

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Presentation on theme: "“The Religious Case For Gay Marriage” (Newsweek, 12-08) A Response."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Religious Case For Gay Marriage” (Newsweek, 12-08) A Response

2 Exhibit 1  “Why should one look to the Bible to define marriage. The Bible says that Abraham had a child by his wife’s servant. Jacob fathered children by four women. And shall we speak of David & Solomon? No sensible modern person wants marriage to look, in its particulars, like what many people practiced in Bible times.”

3 Exhibit 1 – Response  It is a misrepresentation of the Bible to site an action recorded therein & then assume that the action has God’s approval. The consequences alone prove that God did not approve.

4 Exhibit 2  “Neither the Bible nor Jesus ever explicitly defined marriage as between one man & one woman.”

5 Exhibit 2 – Response  “A man shall leave his father & mother & be joined to his wife” Gen 2:24: Matt 19:4-6

6 Exhibit 3  “Jesus had a low view of marriage & expressed a lack of interest in it. In fact, he, himself was unmarried, & actually taught people to leave their families to follow him, even going so far as to teach that there will be no marriage in Heaven.”

7 Exhibit 3 – Response  Jesus did not minimize the family, He exalted God above family. Lk 14:26; Matt 19:29; 22:30

8 Exhibit 4  “Paul didn’t like marriage any better than Jesus. In fact, Paul taught people to be celibate & to use marriage only as a second-best alternative.”

9 Exhibit 4 – Response  Paul’s advice to remain unmarried was based on special circumstances. 1 Cor 7:1, 7-9, 26 1 Cor 7:2-5, 36 Why Jesus & Paul never married: 32-35

10 Exhibit 5  “Paul never spoke a word against homosexuality. Rather he spoke against violent & promiscuous homosexuality. Furthermore, the extent of David & Jonathan’s relationship in the Old Testament is only limited by our imagination.”

11 Exhibit 5 – Response  What Paul actually said about homosexuality was inspired of the Holy Spirit – read it! Rom 1:26-27; 1 Cor 6:9; 1 Tim 1:9-10

12 Exhibit 6  “Jesus reached out to everybody, especially those on the margins of society. If he were here today, he would reach out to the homosexual community.”

13 Exhibit 6 – Response  “Reaching out to” homosexuals, or to anyone practicing sin, does not mean endorsement of their sins. John 8:10; Acts 17:30-31

14 Good and Evil God expects us to know the difference (Isa 8:20; 5:20; Rev 21:8)

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