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What Does the Bible Say About… Marriage & Divorce? What is Marriage? It is a covenant witnessed, sanctified, and sealed by God (Malachi 2:13; Hebrews.

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2 What Does the Bible Say About… Marriage & Divorce? What is Marriage? It is a covenant witnessed, sanctified, and sealed by God (Malachi 2:13; Hebrews 13:4; Matthew 19:4-6).

3 What Does the Bible Say About… Marriage & Divorce? It Involves… One man and one woman (Matt. 19:5). Free to marry (Romans 7:2-3). Who leave, join, and become one (Genesis 2:24).

4 What Does the Bible Say About… Marriage & Divorce? Jesus’ Teaching on Marriage One who “puts away” their mate and remarries commits adultery (Luke 16:18; Mark 10:11-12). Fornication is the sole exception (Matt. 5:32; 19:9).

5 What Does the Bible Say About… Marriage & Divorce? Jesus’ Teaching on Marriage One who marries one who is “put away” commits adultery (Luke 16:18; Matt. 5:32; 19:9). One who marries one who has “put away” his mate commits adultery (Mk 10:11-12).

6 What Does the Bible Say About… Marriage & Divorce? Jesus’ Teaching on Marriage The one who has been “put away” for any cause who remarries, commits adultery (Matthew 5:32).

7 What Does the Bible Say About… Marriage & Divorce? What will Happen to the Adulterer? The unrepentant adulterer will be condemned (Galatians 5:19-21). One cannot stay in a state of adultery and please God (Romans 7:2-3).


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