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Question: Where does the idea that Christians shouldn’t have sex before marriage comes from?

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Presentation on theme: "Question: Where does the idea that Christians shouldn’t have sex before marriage comes from?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Question: Where does the idea that Christians shouldn’t have sex before marriage comes from?

3 Question: Job? Why did God allow Satan to torture Job? It seemed like a bet.

4 Question: What does the Bible say about angels?

5 Question: What does the Bible say about heaven and hell, eternal life? Are they a literal place?

6 Question: If we are God’s children and he knows us intimately is it important or does it matter, if we pray about our needs or not? Does God only meet our needs if we pray about it or does he meet our needs because he loves us?

7 Question: Does prayer change Gods mind?

8 Question: How do you know when God is speaking to you?

9 Question: Should women be in church leadership and governance?

10 Question: Should we pray with people whose God is not quite the same as our God? Where do we draw the line?

11 Question: How can we explain the concept of the trinity in a way that is clear and not heretical?

12 Question: Is it ok to get tipsy or drunk?

13 Question: How do we answer the question? Why we do not agree with same sex marriage.

14 Question: In a country that is becoming increasingly hostile towards Christianity, how can we: 1. Draw strength to build up our faith 2. Not be pressured to change our beliefs to suit the culture – how do we stay true to God.


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