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10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh CBM Experiment: Status and Plansof BHU Group CBM Experiment: Status and Plans of BHU Group.

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Presentation on theme: "10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh CBM Experiment: Status and Plansof BHU Group CBM Experiment: Status and Plans of BHU Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh CBM Experiment: Status and Plansof BHU Group CBM Experiment: Status and Plans of BHU Group V. Singh Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi - 221 005 India  Why should we participate?  How should we participate? BHU, Varanasi VECC, SINP,CU; Kolkata IOP, Bhubaneswer PU, Chandigarh RU, Jaipur AMU, Aligarh IIT, Kharagpur SU, Srinagar JU, Jammu BARC, Mumbai CBM-INDIA  More than 7 Universities  More than 5 Institutes

2 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh Why should we participate? Prof. C. P. Singh(F) Dr. B. K. Singh(F) Dr. V. Singh(F) Mr. M. Mishra(R) Mr. S. Tarafdar (R) Mr. Arun K Soma(R) Mr. Saty Prakash(R) BHU Group 3 Faculty Members (Few will join soon!) 4 Research students More than 6 masters students

3 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh Why should we participate? BHU Group Prof. C. P. Singh (F) Expertise: ►Vast experience in strong interaction phenomenology involving production mechanism for exotic exchange reactions, OZI rule violating processes, Current algebra, PCAC, Sum rules, Heavy flavour phenomenology, QCD, Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions and Quark-Gluon Plasma. Experience: ►He has been instrumental in keeping BHU on the international scene in HEP activities from last 35 years.

4 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh Why should we participate? Propose a new model which incorporates the excluded volume effect in a thermodynamically consistent manner.  Propose a new model which incorporates the excluded volume effect in a thermodynamically consistent manner. Highlight of few papers Phys. Lett. B (2007) Phys. Lett. B (2007)

5 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh Why should we participate? BHU Group Dr. B. K. Singh (F) Expertise: In Gaseous Detectors consisting of CsI photocathode and micro-pattern detectors (GEM, Micro-strip etc.), Enough knowledge of scintillating crystal detectors. Unique experience in the design, development and engineering of Gaseous Photon detectors. Experience: Worked at Weizmann Institute Israel, INFN Italy, Columbia University USA and CERN Switzerland.

6 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh Triple GEMTriple GEM Reflective CsI PhotocathodeReflective CsI Photocathode Gaseous Photodetectors Application: Hadron Blind Detector (PHENIX at RHIC) D. Morrman, A. Breskin, R. Chechik and B.K. Singh Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A478 (2002) 230 Why should we participate? B.K. Singh A. Breskin, A. Buzulutskov, R. Chechik, E. Shefer, B.K. Singh IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc. 48 (2001) 417 Sealed Gaseous Photodetectors (Developed @ Weizmann Institute) 10 times cheaper than a GEM!

7 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh Why should we participate? Ageing of CsI thin film photocathodes induced by UV photons B.K. Singh a, M.A. Nittib,, A. Valentinib, E. Nappib, C. Coluzzac, G. Di Santoc and R. Zanonid ab c d, a Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, India b INFN-Sezione di Bari, c/o Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica “Michelangelo Merlin”, Via G. Amendola 173, 70126 Bari, Italy c Dipartimento di Fisica “G. Marconi”, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, P.le A. Moro 2, 00185 Rome, Italy d Dipartimento di Chimica Generale e Inorganica, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, P.le A. Moro 2, 00185 Rome, Italy Received 30 May 2006; revised 17 July 2007; accepted 6 August 2007. Available online 15 August 2007 Abstract The degradation of CsI thin film photocathodes (PCs) under Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation has been investigated by measuring the photocurrent as well as the absolute Quantum Efficiency (QE) as a function of the accumulated charge density. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and UV Photoemission Electron Microscopy (PEEM) have been employed to study the surface morphology and the local QE of polycrystalline CsI thin films and their transformation due to UV irradiation. The photo-emissive properties of CsI PCs, together with their surface morphology, have been found to be strongly affected by the UV photon ageing.

8 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh Why should we participate?  detailed study of GEM is still continuous ………………… Highlight of few papers

9 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh Why should we participate? BHU Group Dr. V. Singh (F) Expertise:Detector design & Development, Simulation, Expertise: Detector design & Development, Simulation, Logistic, Installation, Analysis, Testing and Calibration etc. Experience:Working in Collaboration, Run Coordinator, Experience: Working in Collaboration, Run Coordinator, Setup of TEXONO (Taiwan EXperiment On NeutrinO) Small scale but very effective !

10 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh Why should we participate? We derived world best limit on neutrino magnetic moments < 7.4 X 10 -11 μ B @ 90% CL.  We derived world best limit on neutrino magnetic moments < 7.4 X 10 -11 μ B @ 90% CL. Highlight of few papers

11 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh Why should we participate? Our Achievements So far… (1)PAD Chamber, data analysis and simulation for PHENIX (2)All related hardware work, data analysis, simulation for TEXONO (3)Expertise in Development of advanced gaseous detector and organic/inorganic scintillating detectors etc. (4)Expertise in data analysis and simulation (5)Successful International and National Collaboration (Banaras, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Jammu, Lund); (Banaras, Kosice, Dubna, Lund, Tashkent); (PHENIX), (TEXONO) and (INO) (6)More than 20 students have got Ph.D. Future based on this strong base of experience and expertise

12 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh Our Proposal Based on our experience and expertise ! Aim is to take part SIGNIFICANTLY and at equal footing!  Work with latest technology  Application of the expertise in detector development in other fields.  Do R&D work related to detector (MuCh) How should we participate?

13 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh Plans (Hardware): To establish a well equipped laboratory for GEM detector @ BHU. To do R&D for Muon Chamber detector. Project approved. Waiting for money. Time frame: Few months! How should we participate? To study the THGEM / GEM/Micromegas Long term stability vs Rate Understanding the effect of THGEM rim Gain and uniformity Ageing effects etc.

14 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh Plans (Simulation): CBMRoot is already installed @ BHU. Getting feeling of program. To do detector (Much) and physics simulation for CBM. Time frame: within few months! How should we participate?

15 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh Physics Topics 1. In-medium modifications of hadrons onset of chiral symmetry restoration at high  B Observables: , ,   e + e - open charm production 2. Strangeness in matter (strange matter) enhanced strangeness production; Observables: K, , , ,  3. Indications for deconfinement at high  B anomalous charmonium suppression? Observables: J/ , D excitation function of flow (softening of EOS) 4. Critical point: Observables: event-by-event fluctuations How should we participate? Plans (Data analysis):

16 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh Motivation-e + e - pair How should we participate?

17 10 th CBM Collaboration meeting at Dresden, Germany – V. Singh Conclusion & Summary: ☻ Why should we participate? ☻ Why should we participate? Motivation, Experienced, Expertise, Hardworking and Strength. ☻ How should we participate? ☻ How should we participate? Latest technology, all possible areas, significantly and at equal footing! We are about to start work for CBM ! Thank you !

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